Message From Katy

Hello to everybody listening to Smile, it's Katy Perry
正在听Smile的各位 我是Katy Perry
I wanna say a very special hello to all of my incredible, beautiful, loyal, encouraging KatyCats all around the world
一句特殊的问候 送给全世界各地的我的不可思议的、美丽的、忠诚的、鼓舞人心的KatyCats
Thank you so much for being on this journey with me every single time I put out a record
感谢你们陪我一路走过 我发布的每一张专辑
And for being excited and letting the music, um... work its magic on you
感谢你们每次都能很激动 能让我的音乐 对你们施以奇妙的魔法
And for showing up at the shows, and other little places
感谢你们前来参加我的表演 还有其他无数的小事
And for being such an incredible team and a support system that I can always rely on
还要感谢你们能够成为我不可思议的团队 在背后支持我的一切 让我可以依靠
I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you
And the things that you make online, that make me laugh, and the care that you show, and... all of it, I am so profoundly grateful
感激于你们在网络上所做的一切 能够让我开心大笑 还有你们展示的关心 还有…所有的这些 我真的非常感激
And that's what a lot of this record is: it's, it's a... a record that I never really set out to make, but here we are
这就是这张专辑所被赋予的意义 这是一张我从未想到我会做出的专辑 但现在我们已经在这张专辑里相遇
You know, after continuing my writing process for 2 years
你懂的 在我不间断的两年写歌时间
I would get a little message and just be a vessel for
我会捕捉每一个小细节 让我自己容纳
Um... different songs or ideas over the past 2 years, and we had many of them so we felt like, maybe it should be a record
两年以来每首不同的歌和每一个不同的想法 积累成数之后我们才突然感觉 或许可以把他们做成一张专辑
Maybe the record should be called "Smile", and it should be about finding your smile once again
或许我们该把这张专辑命名为“Smile” 因为它是关于该如何找回属于自己的微笑
Um... I don't know about any of you
But sometimes I can feel super low, and alone, and really in my head, and be my own worst enemy
但有时候我会感觉很低落 很孤独 自我束缚 让我成为了自己最大的敌人
And let that horrible negative voice that trickle, trickles in and out of my, of my head, take over
And, in this past couple of years I've really, um, tried to work on that
过去的几年 我都在尝试着去解决这样的困扰
And I think a lot of these songs reflect walking through that process, walking through that valley, and coming out the other end alive, and giving live, and, um…
So, I just, I'm so grateful you guys are listening
所以 我非常感谢你们能收听我的这张专辑
I, um... I'm excited, I wanna know what your favorite songs are
我…我真的很激动 我想知道你们最爱的是哪些歌
I have one more song that you're about to hear, um, this song is kind of a funny, sassy song
这里我还有一首歌你将要在接下来听到 一首有趣、活泼的歌
Definitely don't @ me when you hear it, but thank you once again for listening to all the songs
在你听到的时候不要疯狂@我哦 但我还是要再一次感谢你们收听我的这些歌曲
I hope these songs are encouraging and can lift you out of whatever you're feeling
我希望这些歌能够振奋人心 可以让你摆脱如今的苦恼
Or give you a little umpfh, or, um... give you whatever you need for today
或者给你一些宽慰 或者…你现在所需要的什么
And if you lost your smile, it helps you find your smile again
如果你丢失了你的微笑 这张专辑会帮你找回
God bless you! I love you
上帝保佑你们 爱你们
1.Cry About It Later
2.Teary Eyes
4.Not the End of the World
6.Champagne Problems
8.Only Love
9.What Makes A Woman
10.Message From Katy
11.High On Your Supply