I get to introduce to Lana del rey. Okay you r thinking she’s getting a new album coming out.
Better! She has got the new song for the new movie “big eyes ”.
我很好! 有首新歌“big eyes”是电影的主题曲
Talking little more about an artist. You worked on the great Gatsby.
I did.
So was it a different process for you?
A little bit,I mean now that you say I've been really lucky not just I mean write for my own records,
but to be involved in something like 'The Great Gatsby' or'Maleficent' and now 'Big eyes' it is really exciting,
但它涉及到一些像“盖茨比情调 , 'BIG eyes" 也同样如此
especially because its for Tim Burton.Who I loved,like everybody else.
What's the process as the songwriter and you have considered the piano and play guitar
it's kinda get u inspiration but when you work with such a visionary like Tim Burton.
这能使你得到些许灵感 工作时带着远见(意思大概是仔细推敲后 深思熟虑后)就像蒂姆
How does he guide you, what does he , hands off you do your own thing
他指导着你 如同他的做法 手把手引导完成你的部分
I think there's a lot of people involved in the process,cause I know the writers
我认为这是许多人必经的过程啦 因为我就是
I think they took over seven years trying to get the rights just for the movie,
so there's a lot of people involved,but I think I mean Tim told me that
所以这就是许多人参与其中(投入进去) 就像蒂姆和我说的那样
he really likes to stay involved in the cinematic aspect and let whoever is writing for him do their job And then
他真的很喜欢参与制作有关电影方面的 无论是为他做他们的工作还是其他
If he really loves it I think he probably plays for Damiels if it works with the score and
他真的爱他(主题曲来配合电影)他可能与Damiels合作 能做出好的效果
If you see a movie it's based on the artist named Keen who is very descriptive
如果你看了电影它基于叫 Keen艺术家 有着非常强的描述力
I mean the big eyes that u r doing yes did you look at the paintings did that help to make an opinion as u started your process to write
我是说“big eyes ”的画风给我们一种可靠的观点(更准确接近曲风) 当你开始参与写作时
Yeah I didn't remember ever hearing the name but I saw the images
是滴 我不记得听说过这名字 我能想象
that I was really blown away by a story that his wife had been really painting these pictures
我真的吹爆了这个故事 他的妻子配合插画
which had become famous to the point where they were sold u know in drug stores and supermarkets so
因此变得闻名大街小巷 人竟皆知的地步
but I was inspired by the artist I'm inspired by a lot of artists I mean it kinda reminded me of Mark Ryden who is one of my favorite artists now
我被许多艺术家激发着 比如我被 Mark Ryden (画家big eyes)影响 至今还是我最喜爱的艺术家之一呢
Last question for you this is for Germany you ve played in Europe I mean all that you picked
最后个问题是 你曾在德国待过 我说的是你选择这里
What's the Germany experience for you what stands out for your own memory of Germany
well,My first record deal was with Universal Germany so for a while Berlin was like second home yeah with Daniel Everroug and Nephie and playing in Berlin ,Cologne
恩 我第一个录音带是在德国环球完成 有段时间柏林就是我第二个家 和丹尼、内非在柏林科隆度过
this was really one of the only places I ve played before I played in London
And then ultimately for the first time this year in the US