Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs:Can she excuse my wrongs

1.Book of Songs, Book 3: Time stands still:Time stands still
2.Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs:Lachrimae Antiquae, "Flow my tears"
3.Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs:Can she excuse my wrongs
4.Lachrimae Amantis
5.Book of Songs, Book 2: I saw my lady weep:I saw my lady weep
6.Sorrow, come
7.The Earl of *****, his Galliard, P. 12:Can she excuse
8.Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke (version for viola da gamba):My hope is revived, "The Lady Suffolkes delight"
9.Book of Songs, Book 1:Come again, sweet love doth now invite
10.The Galliard to Mrs. Ann Markham's Pavan
11.Go from my window, P. 64