EV28-2 Power of the Memory of Time - Ark of Time

1.EV27 Valor's Appearance
2.Valor - In Courage And Gallantry
3.EV28-1 To the Lake's Bottom
4.EV28-2 Power of the Memory of Time - Ark of Time
5.Insidious - Consumer Of All
6.EV29 The Ark Swallows
7.ST07 Insidious Insides
8.EV30 Masked Lumen Sage Returns
9.EV31 Pendant
10.ST08 Ruin of Memories
11.EV32 Golem Appears
12.The Giants
13.Memory of Time C
14.Inferno's Entrance
15.EV33 Masked Lumen Sage and Prophet
16.Beyond Time
17.EV34-1 The Power of Transcending Space-Time
18.EV34-2 Sorrow of Truth A
19.EV34-3 Sorrow of Truth B
20.ST09 Inferno
22.ST10 Inferno - Forest
23.EV35 In Hell, Conversation with Rodin
24.EV36-1 Alraune's Appearance
25.EV36-2 Resentment of Madama Butterfly A
26.EV36-3 Resentment of Madama Butterfly B
27.Alraune - Whisper Of Dementia
28.EV37 Alraune's Anger
29.Alraune - Whisper Of Insanity
30.EV38-1 Friend Rescued A
31.EV38-2 Friend Rescued B
32.EV38-3 Friend Rescued C
33.EV38-4 Rodin's Works of Art