Skyn, blomman och en larka (The Cloud, the Flower and a Lark)

1.Bjorkarnas valv (The Birches' Vault)
2.Tiga blott (Just be Silent)
3.I folkviseton (In Ballad Form)
4.I vimmel och vammel (Among Crowds and Bustle)
5.En visa (A Song)
6.Ensam under fastet (Alone Beneath the Sky)
7.Hembygdens skonhet (Neighbourhood Beauty)
8.Stjarnan (The Star)
9.I min gungande bat (In My Rocking Boat)
10.Sang pa havet (Song on the Sea)
11.Hostsang (Autumn Song)
12.Sommarsvit (Summer Suite):I. Andantino
13.Sommarsvit (Summer Suite):II. Adagio
14.Sommarsvit (Summer Suite):III. Scherzo
15.Ett ensamt skidspar (A Lonely Ski Trail)
16.Mot norr (To the North)
17.Syreners doft (Scent of the Lilacs)
18.Hjartats sommar (The Summer Heart)
19.Smultronbacken (Where the Wild Strawberries Grow)
20.Sommarvisa (Summer Song)
21.Skyn, blomman och en larka (The Cloud, the Flower and a Lark)
22.Under haggarna (Beneath the Bird-Cherries)
23.Varluft (Spring)
24.Mitt hjarta behover ett litet barn (My Heart Needs a Little Child)
26.Mot loftets strand (To the Promised Strand)
27.I jorden gar dolda adror (In the Earth Run Hidden Veins)
28.Djaknevisa (Ballad of the Thralls)
29.Den bergtagna (Possessed)
30.Jag vet utan en jungfru (I Know About a Maiden)
31.Folj oss sang (Follow Us Song)
32.Silmien laulu (Song of the Eyes)