Open your eyes to what you love to hate
睁开双眼 望向你因爱生恨之人
你羽翼未丰 展翅盘旋于天空
You're up in the sky but you ain't flying straight
当我不能如鸟归巢 我该何去何从
你卖掉居家之所 迷失自我 困顿潦倒
Where do I go when I can't go home
无论你需要什么 我都心甘情愿
Cause you sold it yeah you lost yourself in you are just no more
赤诚之心无可隐藏 你知道我会在何处
Take every piece every piece of me
我说过我不需要 我说过我无此才能
Whatever you need my mind is changing
但如今我恍然大悟 ,毋庸置疑 我功成名就
翱翔于天际 展翅高飞
And I can't hide no but you know where I'll be
听到我的嘶声力竭 才知我是你的传人
And I know
畏惧天空 除了扶摇直上 直冲云霄 飞上九天 别无选择
I said I didn't need it I said I wasn't built for it
就好像和睦相处成了无稽之谈 无论谁是谁非
Well no I can see it damn right I really made it for this
都相互责难 有如官场上的勾心斗角
我让你就此收手 你却叫我闭口不言 太多闹剧
Chasing the sky trying to fly
我们的关系有如暴乱一般 对对方拳打脚踢 毫不留情
没人愿意停下来化解矛盾 没人
And now I see
你也许认为我们之间已经一刀两断 永无瓜葛
为何我们当初同室操戈 相互伤害
Just why you had to be so hard for me
在音乐会 野餐会和生日会上大打出手
在最坏的情况下 我总试图回想我们的美好
You hear my roar then fill your legacy
你的诋毁挑事没完没了 我们之间最后只能以伤害收场
我们什么都试过了 如今该换换套路了
Here to the sky no choice but to fly so high so high so high
若两大黑帮都能化干戈为玉帛 我们为何不可
Love's supposed to be thicker than water is
我遨翔天空 我谈论的不是伏特加 而是展翅高飞
Nowadays we can't even stomach the thought of it
我绝非圣贤 你永远不会理解这些斗争与谎言
It's like we can't even get along who right and in the wrong
可怜天下父母心 辛勤付出
Too busy pointing fingers like it's politics
生活就是障眼法 你痛恨今日
但我对你的爱 却矢志不渝 无可置疑
I tell you shut up you tell me be quiet too much dysfunction
孑然一身 甚至不能信任家中至亲之人
Cut up like we at a riot kicking and punching
但若本是同根生 切莫相煎何太急
切莫抛下我们以往的情谊 背弃我
Ain't nobody here for me that ain't
And you would think that we wasn't even related
说过 我知道
Why are we even throwing blows in the first place
说过我不需要 说过我无此才能
We fight at cook outs picnics and birthdays
但如今我恍然大悟 ,毋庸置疑 我功成名就
I tried to get a benefit but in the worst case
You keep on talking smack and end up with a hurt face
翱翔于天际 展翅高飞 振翅翱翔
And we tried everything it's time for plan b
If bloods and crips can reconcile why can't we
听到我的嘶声力竭 才知我是你的传人
I guess I'm ratchet like my mama and my poppa
畏惧天空 除了扶摇直上 直冲云霄 飞上九天 别无选择
I'm chasing the sky and I ain't talking 'bout the vodka let's fly
Fly for a blessed man if I turn to lies I guess you never understand
A mother and father who wanted for you much more than
Life is a slight of hand if you hate it today
I've a lot for you if there's one thing that it's true
Going all alone I can't even trust all the people here inside my home
And if you weren't my brothers I'd never let it get so wrong
That you turn your back when you turn your back on me
On your family no
And I know
Said I know
I said I didn't need it I said I wasn't built for it
I wasn't built for it
Well no I can see it damn right I really made it for this
I really made it for this
Chasing the sky trying to fly trying to fly
And now I see
Just why you had to be so hard for me
No hard for me
You hear my roar then fill your legacy
Here to the sky no choice but to fly so high so high so high
10.Bout 2 Blow
11.Do It
14.New New
15.Battle Cry
18.Lago Azul
19.Why Go
21.Mona Lisa
33.Rap Battle 1
34.Rap Battle 2
38.Into You
45.Good People
47.Shine On Me
48.All Nite
49.Body Speak
50.Last Night
58.My Own Thang
59.Turn Around