The Nature of the Feminine Beast

1.The Nature of the Feminine Beast
2.Femicide (Perfect Prison)
3.Watch Out
4.Give It To Me
5.Rise of the Bxtch
6.Caylee Anthony (Rest In Pieces)
7.Black Bags & Heart Shaped Stickers
8.Ready Or Not
9.Deadly Innocence (feat. SickTanicK)
10.Warning From Bob E Night
11.Kryptik Spawn (feat. Kryptik)
12.**** You I Hope You Die
13.Abortion Party
15.God Cries
16.Recognizing the Predatory Woman
17.Zo - His Story
18.Nice & Slow
19.A Warning Call From Cyco
20.No Reason To Live
21.Men of My Dreams
22.Ripping From Inside
24.Absolute Evil / Bleed
25.KGP Outro