洛神宓妃(Fufei, the Goddess of the Luo River)

1.娲皇创世(Nuwa, the Empress of the Creation of Humanity)
2.月神(Moon Goddess)
3.洛神宓妃(Fufei, the Goddess of the Luo River)
4.女魃(Nuba, the Goddess of Drought)
5.湘水祭(Lover Story of the Goddess of the Xiang River)
6.九幽神乐(Sunu, the Goddess of Music)
7.嫘祖始蚕(Leizu, the First Empress of Silk)
8.天降玄女(The Mysterious Maids from Heaven)
9.日御(Sun Goddess)
10.昆仑瑶池会(The Celestial Gathering at Kunlun's Jade Pool)