방앗간의 젊은 직공과 고양이-The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat (The Miller's Boy and the Cat)

1.곰가죽을 입은 사나이-Bearskin (Bearskin's Journey)
2.굴뚝새와 곰-The Willow Wren and the Bear (The Willow Wren's Song)
3.맛있는 죽-Sweet Porridge (Sweet Porridge's Song)
4.영리한 사람들-Wise Folks (The Wise Folks' Song)
5.뱀 이야기-Tales of the Paddock (Paddock Tales)
6.방앗간의 젊은 직공과 고양이-The Poor Miller's Boy and the Cat (The Miller's Boy and the Cat)
7.양복장이와 구두장이-The Two Travelers (Traveling Together)
8.고슴도치 한스-Hans My Hedgehog (Hans the Hedgehog's Tune)
9.수의-The Shroud (The Shroud's Lullaby)
10.가시 덤불 속의 유태인-The Jew Among Thorns (The Jew Among Thorns' Melody)
11.솜씨 좋은 사냥꾼-The Skillful Huntsman (The Skillful Huntsman's Song)
12.하늘 나라에서 가져온 도리깨-The Flail from Heaven (The Flail from Heaven's Tune)
13.왕자를 도운 공주-The Two Kings' Children (The Kings' Children's Ballad)
14.영리한 꼬마 재단사 이야기-The Cunning Little Tailor (The Clever Little Tailor's Tune)
15.빛나는 태양이 사실을 밝혀주다-The Bright Sun Brings it to Light (The Bright Sun's Song)
16.푸른 등잔-The Blue Light (The Blue Light's Lullaby)
17.고집 센 아이-The Willful Child (The Willful Child's Song)
18.세 명의 외과 의사-The Three Army Surgeons (The Three Army Surgeons' Adventure)
19.일곱 명의 슈바벤 사람-The Seven Swabians (The Swabian Seven's Song)
20.세 직공-The Three Apprentices (The Three Apprentices' Journey)
21.겁 없는 왕자-The King's Son Who Feared Nothing (Brave and Bold, A Fairy's Tale)
22.당나귀 상추-Donkey Cabbages (The Magical Donkey's Garden)
23.숲 속의 노파-The Old Woman in the Wood (The Friendly Forest)
24.삼형제-The Three Brothers (Three Brothers' Adventure)
25.악마와 그의 할머니-The Devil and His Grandmother (The Devil's Grandmother)
26.성실한 페레난트와 불성실한 페레난트-Ferdinand the Faithful and Ferdinand the Unfaithful (Ferdinand the Faithful)
27.무쇠 난로-The Iron Stove (The Magic Stove)
28.게으른 실 잣는 여자-The Lazy Spinner (The Spinning Song)
29.명인 사형제-The Four Skillful Brothers (Brothers' Bond)
30.외눈박이, 두눈박이, 세눈박이-Little One-Eye, Little Two-Eyes, and Little Three-Eyes (Little Eyes, Big Hearts)
31.카트리넬예와 핍 팝 포트리-Fair Katrinelje and Pif-Paf-Poltrie (Katrinelje's Dance)
32.여우와 말-The Fox and the Horse (The Fox and the Horse's Friendship)
33.춤을 추어 넝마가 된 신발-The Shoes that were Danced to Pieces (Dancing Shoes)
34.여섯 명의 부하-The Six Servants (Servants' Adventure)
35.하얀 신부와 까만 신부-The White and the Black Bride (The Bride's Harmony)
36.무쇠 한스-Iron John (Iron John's Adventure)
37.세 명의 검은 공주-The Three Black Princesses (Princesses of Night)
38.크노이스트와 세 아들-Knoist and his Three Sons (Knoist and His Sons' Journey)
39.브라켈의 아가씨-The Maid of Brakel (The Maid of Brakel's Song)
40.우리집 고용인-My Household (My Enchanted Home)
41.양과 물고기-The Lambkin and the Little Fish (Lambkin and Little Fish)
42.지멜리 산-Simeli Mountain (Simeli Mountain's Song)
43.여행-Going a Traveling (Going on a Journey)
44.당나귀 왕자-The Donkey (The Little Donkey's Song)
45.불효한 아들-The Ungrateful Son (Gratitude's Melody)
46.순무-The Turnip (The Turnip Song)
47.불에 타서 젊어진 남자-The Old Man Made Young Again (Magic Spring)
48.주님의 동물과 악마의 동물-The Lord's Animals and the Devil's (The Lord's Creatures' Tale)
49.수탉의 대들보-The Beam (The Magic Beam)
50.구걸하는 노파-The Old Beggar Woman (Kindness's Melody)