황금새-The Golden Bird (The Golden Bird's Melody)

1.주운 새-Foundling Bird (The Foundling's Flight)
2.지빠귀 수염의 왕-King Thrushbeard (King Thrushbeard's Song)
3.백설공주-Little Snow White (Little Snow White's Song)
4.배낭, 모자, 그리고 뿔피리-The Knapsack, the Hat, and the Horn (The Adventure Trio)
5.룸펠슈틸츠헨-Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpelstiltskin's Whimsical Dance)
6.애인 롤란트-Sweetheart Roland (Sweetheart Roland's Journey)
7.황금새-The Golden Bird (The Golden Bird's Melody)
8.개와 참새-The Dog and the Sparrow (The Dog and the Sparrow's Tale)
9.프리더와 카터리스헨-Frederick and Catherine (Frederick and Catherine's Adventure)
10.쌍둥이 형제-The Two Brothers (The Brothers' Adventure)
11.작은 농부-The Little Peasant (The Little Peasant's Song)
12.여왕벌-The Queen Bee (The Queen Bee's Harmony)
13.세 개의 깃털-The Three Feathers (The Feathered Adventure)
14.황금 거위-The Golden Goose (The Golden Goose's Parade)
15.털북숭이 공주-All-Kinds-of-Fur (All-Kinds-of-Fur's Adventure)
16.토끼의 신부-The Hare's Bride (The Hare's Wedding Day)
17.열두 명의 사냥꾼-The Twelve Huntsmen (The Twelve Huntsmen's Parade)
18.도둑과 그 두목-The Thief and His Master (The Master and His Apprentice)
19.요린데와 요링겔-Jorinde and Joringel (Jorinde and Joringel's Adventure)
20.세 행운아-The Three Sons of Fortune (The Three Sons' Adventure)
21.여섯 사나이, 세상을 활보하다-How Six Men got on in the World (Six Friends' Adventure)
22.늑대와 사람-The Wolf and the Man (The Wolf and the Friend)
23.늑대와 여우-The Wolf and the Fox (The Wolf and the Fox's Adventure)
24.대부가 된 여우-Gossip Wolf and the Fox (Gossip Wolf and the Fox's Song)
25.여우와 고양이-The Fox and the Cat (The Fox and the Cat's Adventure)
26.패랭이꽃-The Pink(The Pink's Magical Day)
27.현명한 그레텔-Clever Grethel (Gretel's Joyful Kitchen)
28.할아버지와 손자-The Old Man and his Grandson (Grandpa's Wisdom)
29.물의 요정-The Water Nixie (Dance with the Water Nixie)
30.암탉이 죽은 이야기-The Death of the Little Hen (Little Hen's Farewell)
31.속 편한 사나이-Brother Lustig (Brother Lustig's Merry Quest)
32.노름꾼 한스-Mother Holle (Mother Holle's Magic Song)
33.행운아 한스-Hans in Luck (Hans's Journey of Joy)
34.한스, 결혼하다-Hans Married (Hans's Wedding Dance)
35.황금 아이들-The Gold-Children (Golden Hearts)
36.여우와 거위-The Fox and the Geese (Fox's Frolic)
37.가난뱅이와 부자-The Poor Man and the Rich Man
38.노래하고 뛰노는 종달새-The Singing, Springing Lark (The Singing Lark's Springtime Song)
39.거위치는 소녀-The Goose Girl (The Goose Girl's Song of Friendship)
40.어린 거인-The Young Giant (The Friendly Giant's Song)
41.땅 속 난쟁이-The Gnome (Dance with the Gnomes)
42.황금산의 임금님-The King of the Gold Mountain (The King of Gold Mountain's Song)
43.큰 까마귀-The Raven (The Friendly Raven's Song)
44.영리한 농부의 딸-The Peasant's Wise Daughter (The Wise Daughter's Song)
45.농부 힐데브란트-Old Hildebrand (Old Hildebrand's Tale)
46.작은 새의 노래-The Three Little Birds (Fly High, Little Birds)
47.생명의 물-The Water of Life (The Magic Water's Song)
48.만물박사-Doctor Know-all (Doctor Know-All's Tune)
49.유리병 속의 마물-The Spirit in the Bottle (The Spirit's Song)
50.악마의 검댕이 형제-The Devil's Sooty Brother (The Sooty Brother's Song)