세 가지 말-The Three Languages

1.개구리 왕-The Frog King (The Frog Prince's Song)
2.고양이와 쥐의 공동 생활-Cat and Mouse in Partnership (Cat and Mouse's Friendship Song)
3.성모 마리아의 아이-Mary's Child (Mary's Little Star)
4.소름을 배우러 떠난 사나이-The Story of the Youth Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was (The Brave Young Adventurer)
5.늑대와 7마리 아기염소-The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids (The Wolf and the Kids)
6.충신 요하네스-Faithful John (Faithful John's Promise)
7.괜찮은 거래-The Good Bargain (The Bargain of Kindness)
8.떠돌이 악사-The Wonderful Musician (The Melody Maker)
9.까마귀가 된 형제-The Twelve Brothers (The Twelve Brothers' Tale)
10.불량배들-The Pack of Ragamuffins (The Ragamuffin Crew)
11.오누이-Little Brother and Little Sister (Brother and Sister's Journey)
12.라푼젤-Rapunzel (Rapunzel's Song)
13.숲 속의 세 난쟁이-The Three Little Men in the Woods (The Three Little Friends)
14.실 잣는 세 여인-The Three Spinning Women (The Spinning Sisters' Song)
15.헨젤과 그레텔-Hansel and Gretel (Hansel and Gretel's Adventure)
16.뱀이 가져온 잎사귀-The Three Snake-Leaves (The Tale of Three Leaves)
17.하얀 뱀-The White Snake (The Tale of the White Snake)
18.짚과 숯과 잠두콩-The Straw, the Coal, and the Bean
19.어부와 그의 아내-The Fisherman and His Wife (The Fisherman's Dream)
20.용감한 꼬마 재봉사-The Brave Little Tailor
21.신데렐라-Cinderella (Cinderella's Dream)
22.수수께끼-The Riddle (The Riddle's Song)
23.쥐와 새와 소시지-The Mouse, the Bird, and the Sausage's Song
24.홀레 아주머니-Mother Holle's Tale
25.일곱마리 까마귀-The Seven Ravens' Flight
26.빨간모자-Little Red Riding Hood (Little Red's Adventure)
27.브레멘 음악대-The Bremen Town Musicians' Song
28.노래하는 뼈-The Singing Bone's Song
29.악마의 황금 머리카락 세 올-The Devil With the Three Golden Hairs (The Devil's Golden Hairs)
30.이와 벼룩-The Louse and the Flea (The Louse and the Flea's Dance)
31.손 없는 왕비-The Girl Without Hands (The Girl with Starry Hands)
32.어리석은 한스-Clever Hans's Tale
33.세 가지 말-The Three Languages
34.지혜로운 엘제-Clever Elsie's Tune
35.천국의 재단사-The Tailor's Dream
36.요술 식탁, 황금 당나귀, 자루 속의 몽둥이-The Magic Table, the Gold-Donkey, and the Club in the Sack (Jack's Wondrous Journey)
37.엄지둥이-Thumbling (Tiny Thumbling's Adventure)
38.여우 마나님의 결혼식-The Wedding of Mrs. Fox (Mrs. Fox's Big Day)
39.꼬마 요정과 구두장이-The Elves and the Shoemaker
40.강도 사위-The Robber Bridegroom (The Bride's Brave Rescue)
41.코르베스 씨-Herr Korbes (Herr Korbes and the Mysterious Journey)
42.대부님-The Godfather (The Magic Godfather)
43.트루데 아주머니-Frau Trude (Frau Trude's Enchanted Cottage)
44.대부가 된 죽음의 신-Godfather Death's Tale
45.엄지둥이의 여행-Thumbling's Travels (Thumbling's Tiny Travels)
46.피처의 새-Fitcher's Bird (Fitcher's Bird's Mysterious Flight)
47.노간주나무-The Juniper Tree (The Juniper Tree's Tale)
48.늙은 개 술탄-Old Sultan (Old Sultan's Adventure)
49.백조 왕자-The Six Swans (The Swans' Flight)
50.잠자는 숲속의 공주-Little Briar-Rose (Briar-Rose's Dream)