制作人 : HONNE
灵感迸发 我为你谱写爱曲
I keep writing you songs in my head
凌晨三点 我躺在床上 思绪如潮
At three in the morning when I'm in my bed
字句缱绻 化作音符 在心中轻吟浅唱
The most beautiful thing that I've said
Was a song I wrote you in my head
醒来 脑海只剩一片空白
When I wake up the words are all gone
音乐杳然 灵感不再
There's no music no sign of a song
憧憬着 有一天你我能合唱这支爱的赞歌
Nothing one day that we'll sing along
Cause I keep writing you songs all night long
夜复一夜 我紧闭心扉
So many evenings I don't share my feelings
情感深锁心底 缄口不言
I keep them all locked up instead
该如何向你诉说 这份至死不渝的爱恋
How can I tell you I love you to death
灵感迸发 我为你谱写爱曲
I keep writing songs in my head
字句缱绻 化作音符 在心中轻吟浅唱
I keep writing you songs in my head
灵感迸发 我为你谱写爱曲
I keep writing you songs in my head
字句缱绻 化作音符 在心中轻吟浅唱
I keep writing you songs in my head
灵感迸发 我为你谱写爱曲
I keep writing you songs in my head
你是我汹涌的热情 炽烈的火焰
You're my passion my fire and flame
我坠入爱河 而你正是罪魁祸首
I'm in love and you're to blame
你是否也抱有同样的情愫 我不得而知
How will I know if you feel the same
若将心意化作旋律 也只能藏于脑海 无法与你分享
If I keep storing you songs in my brain
无数个瞬间 我彷徨无依
So many moments I'm utterly hopeless
话到嘴边 却噤若寒蝉
Should speak but I'm quiet instead
如何才能坦白 我对你的至死方休的爱恋
How can I tell you I love you to death
若是我灵感迸发 为你谱写爱曲
If I keep writing songs in my head
字句缱绻 化作音符 在心中轻吟浅唱
Keep writing songs in my head
Songs in my head
Songs in my head
Songs in my head
Should put pen to paper and be writing this down
这份刻骨铭心的情感 绝不容许遗忘
There's no way on earth I'm forgetting this now
我想大声告诉你 我爱你 至死不渝
Cause I wanna tell you I love you to death
And I'll sing it all over this town
但现在 这份爱只能暂且埋藏心底
But for now but for now
灵感迸发 我为你谱写爱曲
I keep writing you songs in my head
字句缱绻 化作音符 在心中轻吟浅唱
I keep writing you songs in my head
在我身旁 床畔的你 睡容恬静
You're sound asleep next to me in our bed
灵感迸发 我为你谱写爱曲
And I keep writing you songs in my head
母带工程师 : Matt Colton
人声 : HONNE
器乐 : HONNE