制作人 : 我们的瑞/STEVIIX
要问我心目中前五的排名 至少有十五人出现在脑海
Look, I got least 15 of names in my list to go speakin' of top 5
少不了的是我还有025 MOB
Gotta includin' first me and the MOB
All of them homies is outside
策马奔腾在这荒芜的年代 一路向西 优胜劣汰
Ride on the horses out west when it's drought time where many get outlined
Just gotta double check on the comment sections
就知道我们生活在这蛮荒时代 豺狼虎豹为伴
So you know we been live in the wild side, fought lions and tigers and bears
Maybe lil b*****s scared
死一般的寂静 当我走进房间 他们脸上尽是窘态
Silencer when I showed up in the room, I’m aware of the fact that they just being wired
有个兄弟告诉我 他见过了深渊 因此一蹶不振
One of my guys said he seen what's in the trenches, made him couldn’t get straight
我想说 窥一斑可知全豹
Well, I call that a gateway
媒体充斥着谎言 人们狂欢又大笑 淹没了求救的信号
Media's feedin' lies, now the crowd's yellin' out 'G******g' 'stead of 'Mayday', shit
It can't stay on my watch
为了保护我家人和所爱 这一切必须收场
To protectin' my family and loved ones, I gotta put it to a stop
Though that's somethin' they ain't asked 'bout
Unlike them others b*****s wanted handout
稍加利诱 他们便原形毕露
Give a lil tip, now they ass out
在我扣动扳机之前 没人知难而退
'Fore I pull the trigger, no one stand down
那就让子弹飞吧 还看鹿死谁手 待那硝烟散尽
So let the bullet fly, see who's dead out when the smoke clears
点燃一支烟 让思绪飘在空中 待那硝烟散尽
I just light it up, sit back a little 'fore the smoke clears
蒙蔽了视野 不妨沉住一口气 待那硝烟散尽
The vision blurry, so stay down 'till the smoke clears, yeah
还想说些什么 尽在不言中 待那硝烟散尽
And If you got' say somethin', 'till the smoke clears
'Till the smoke clears, yeah