冈比亚男孩 Gambia Boy

制作人 : 余海霖
Now we are still friends,when I am not there
We keep in touch,and I sent him a guitar
To let him make better music
But he said,but he said:''rocknroll never die''
Now we are still friends,when I am not there
We keep in touch,and I sent him a guitar
To let him make better music
But he said,but he said:"rocknroll never die"
鼓 : 幸航源
贝斯 : 杨喆
吉他 : 郑岚天/余海霖
口哨 : 高航
人声 : Dovin/余海霖/杨喆
混音 : 蒋焜
母带 : 吴诗云
1.冈比亚男孩 Gambia Boy
2.蛋 EGG
3.烫头发的女孩 Perming Girl
4.蜜蜂 BAB
5.他坐下水管道来看我 Sewer Visions
6.双人舞 A Couple Dance
7.波光粼粼 Sparkling Waves
8.逃避 Run Away
9.佳佳 JiaJia