Day one, me too
最初的弟兄 我也一样
Ask to speak, **** that
被人问话 去他的吧
I stand, I will never fall back
我傲然挺立 绝不会退后半步
If you inauthentic, you're my doormat
若你不真诚相待 我会让你付出代价
Copycat, copycat, copycat-cat
抄袭者 模仿家 没点自己的本事
Five minutes in a booth, it's a wrap-wrap
One time put a paint on a train
The five-O caught the boy, and put him away
5-O特遣队抓住了那个男孩 把他带走了
Face tattoos, yeah, it's tats on his face
脸上布满纹身 没错 永远印在他脸上
Paintin' rainbows in a concrete jungle
Paintin' rainbows when it storm, when it rain
绘画彩虹 在那暴风肆虐 大雨滂沱时
Paintin' rainbows on a seats in a train
I paint rainbows when I speak, when I sing
当我说话 当我歌唱时 我绘制出彩虹
I paint rainbows when I speak, when I sing
当我说话 当我歌唱时 我绘制出彩虹
They sellin' out they soul off of riches
Piss-poor, they broke and a spirit
真是可惜 他们那淋漓破碎的精神
Still here with the ones that I came with
依旧与我最初的好友们 携手同行
Still here with the ones that I came with
依旧与我最初的好友们 携手同行
Sunshine, yeah, sunny sunshine
阳光洒下 温暖又灿烂的阳光
We still here bitch, look we alive
我们依旧伫立在此 看我们散发生机
Late night studio, grind, grind, grind
昨夜的录音棚里 埋头苦干
We still here when they thought we would die
他们觉得我们不会活下来 可我们依旧在此
Mama raised a solid rock
我的母亲 培养出一块坚硬的磬石
Came from the ground, well I touch the sky
来自阴暗的地下 可如今我触碰天空
You can do anything you want in this life
在这场生命中 你可以做任何想做的事
You can do anything you want in this life
在这场生命中 你可以做任何想做的事
One for the dreamers, one for the kids
为了梦想家们 为了我们下一代的孩子
One for anyone goin' through shit
Plot, plot, execute, plot, dream big
策划 策划 再执行 大胆实现梦想
Money got sent, then bitch, plot again
钱打过去了 碧池 你又得逞了
Plot, pure like the ocean, hard like a rock
如大海的潮浪 岸边的岩石般坚硬
There's rocks on my neck and there's rocks in this Glock
脖子上钻石项链 格洛克枪上镶满钻石
Yeah, [?], beef in the shore, yeah
Glock bitch in a white Range Rover
开着白色路虎 举着格洛克枪
I was ballin' my feet in the sand
And now I see God in the sky when I pray
而现在当我祈祷时 我看到天边的主
I do for the ones that do for me
I do for the ones that do for me
All my rap niggas shit, yeah, rap nigga drip
所有我的说唱弟兄 统统燃炸
**** around baby, pass me the spliff
绕过来 宝贝 把烟卷递给我
I'm just sayin' I'll be loose witcha time
Everything you say come right back around
I'm all eyes in this room
我全神贯注 盯紧这个房间
Might as well be a spy in this room
Oh, and I look in your face, I can tell that's your truth
噢 当我看向你的脸庞 我知道这是事实
I reach for the sky, the sky give me the mood
我伸手触碰天空 带给我愉悦心情
(The sky, the sky, the sky, the sky) Gives me the mood
Every time I tell the truth
(The sky, the sky, the sky, the sky) Gives me the mood
Every time I tell the truth, I tell the truth
I tell the truth, I tell the ****in' truth
真相 我说的全部都是真相
(I tell the truth, I tell the ****in' truth)
真相 我说的全部都是真相
(I tell the truth, I tell the ****in' truth)
真相 我说的全部都是真相
I stand, I will never fall back
我傲然挺立 绝不会退后半步
If you inauthentic, you're my doormat
若你不真诚相待 我会让你付出代价
Copycat, copycat, copycat-cat
抄袭者 模仿家 没点自己的本事
Five minutes in a booth, it's a wrap-wrap
1.Don’t Leave Me Like This
2.Way Back
5.Real Spring
7.Bad For Me
9.Don’t Go
10.Don’t Get Too Close
11.Mixed Signals
12.Painting Rainbows