I just made a ride on Northside drive
Seen that lil Jeep, thought I seen you from behind
看到那辆小吉普了吗 本以为会从后面看见你
Pulled up on the side, wasn't you in the window
将车靠边停下 车窗内却不是你的面容
You still on my mind, clear the seat, plain and simple
我对你念念不忘 将车座让出 简单明了
And I started thinkin' 'bout the way it used to be
我开始回想起 曾经我们是何种样子
I was on the phone, we got call history
我守候在电话旁 那时的我们无话不谈
****in' with each other for so long it gets to me
彼此厮守了如此之久 终于将我反噬
I'm reminded by the signs that we just aren't meant to be (Mmh)
诸多迹象提醒着我 我们只是并非命中注定
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
'Cause I can't take no more (No morе, yeah)
因为我脆弱的心 已无法接受这现实
Tell me it's ovеr without sayin' it's over (Woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me
Uh, we been through it all
Late night flights and late night fights
深夜时分的航班 傍晚与彼此的争论
****ed up the mall, ain't no price, your love was priceless
在商场里逛街 金钱无法衡量你无价的爱
I know I ****ed up, you caught me lyin' too many times before
我清楚我搞砸了 你已逮到我说谎太多次
Took me back, I did it more
带我回去 我做得更甚
I was convinced, you was gettin' naked and hit
我被你折服 你褪去衣装 与我交融
By another nigga, yeah, I was sick
被另外一个 我痴恋得的男人
I'm a player but I gotta admit
我虽爱玩弄感情 也不得不承认
Yeah, you hurt me, but I know it ain't as bad as I hurt you
你让我遍体鳞伤 但我清楚我让你更痛苦
See you was down and I act like I never hurt you (Oh, oh)
看到你失魂落魄 我便装作从未伤害过你
Don't tell me
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
'Cause I can't take no more (No more, yeah)
因为我脆弱的心 已无法接受这现实
Tell me
Tell me it's over if you say it
若你愿意开口 就请告诉我吧
Tell me it's over if you say it
若你愿意开口 就请告诉我吧
Caught me outside just to talk, but I'm sayin'
在外面碰见了我 只想与我攀谈 我想说
You done ****ed on everythin', I could name 'em, you was trippin'
你把所有事情都搞砸了 我可以细数你的罪行
I'm in my feelings, you wanna fix it
我被感情所羁绊 你意图将其弥补
Talkin' 'bout all the time tryna play around with my mind, yeah
我们依旧津津乐道 每当你试图玩弄我思绪
Yeah, yeah, baby, it's over 'cause I'm sayin' it is (Woah, woah)
是啊宝贝 那都已成过去 我宣告我们结束
I'm with that old shit, I ain't findin' no more bitches
我回到我过去的样子 找不到更多的女孩
And I ain't takin' no more, don't hit that shit
我绝不会再度复合 别再打那算盘
Yeah, yeah, go away
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
'Cause I can't take no more (No more, yeah)
因为我脆弱的心 已无法接受这现实
Tell me
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me (Yeah)
We went through some trials, know it's been a while (While)
我们经历诸多考验 我清楚已过去许久
Them niggas ain't study, I know what you 'bout ('Bout)
那些人不善学习 我知道你意图何为
If that make you proud (Proud), then I'm bowin' out
若这让你感到骄傲自满 那么我甘愿退场
Signin' off, loggin' out, bye
协约解除 就此离你而去
No more questions, no more askin' "Why?"
不要多问 别再追问我为何这样选择
I'm done with the makeup, breakups (Breakups)
我已经受够了你的那些卿卿我我 分分合合
How you gon' take that pay cut? (Pay cut)
我离开后开销减掉大半 你该如何承受
Had you in my favor (Favor)
Gotta get that minimum wage up
I can't stay love, no way, look
但我无法继续爱你 绝无可能
Won't be there when you wake up
你清晨醒来时 会发觉我不在身旁
Never trippin' on the facts
Tryna burn it like a pack
The life I live is the life I made
我所过的生活 是我亲手造就
What you won't have is the love I gave
你永远得不到的 是我给予的爱
So I say, so I say, so I say
于是我说 我说
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
'Cause I can't take no more (No more, yeah)
因为我脆弱的心 已无法接受这现实
Tell me
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over (Woah, woah)
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me it's over without sayin' it's over
告诉我 我们之间已经结束 但请别直言不讳
Tell me
1.Tell Me It's Over