Interlude (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)

Who do I turn to when I need saving?
当我需要救赎时 我能够转向谁?
'Cause you moved mountains, I can't do the same
因你能以凡人之躯移动山脉 而我无法做到
And did you think about that when you left us?
当你离我们而去时 可曾想到过这些
I know it's selfish, but I can't help it
我清楚这很自私 可我也无能为力
If I fall down tomorrow, then there's no one to blame
若我明日就跌落谷底 也无从将责备归咎他人
Water under the bridge, let it burn like a flame
往事似流水般逝去 任其如火焰熊熊燃烧
You're not here and it kills me, I'm not numb to the pain
你已不在 令我痛不欲生 可苦痛无法将我麻木
Now there's blood in my hands, guess we're one and the same
此刻我的双手沾满鲜血 想必我们已融作一体
Imagine if I needed some advice you never gave
设想一下 若我需要那些你从未给过我的建议
Imagine if I end up on a path you've never laid
想象一下 若我最终走上你从未涉足过的道路
They say you're here in spirit like I meant to let it fade
他们说你的精神永存 依旧于此地生生不息
Life gave me lemons, I can't make it lemonade
生活赐我辛酸苦涩 我却无法化悲痛为力量
Blood on my hands, but for you, it's N.F.A.​
双手沾满鲜血 对你而言无疑是个警示
I would've went myself if you never led the way
若你未曾为我指引前路 我早已抛弃自我
I would've held your hand if you needed me to pray
若你需要我来祈祷 我会紧紧握着你的手
Hindsight's a ****, I can't look her in the face
只知道马后炮 我甚至不敢直视她的面庞
Pain in my heart, but I put it in the grave
痛苦钻心剜骨 我将其掩埋在我坟墓
Pain in my soul, but I put it in the grave
痛苦灌满灵魂 我将其掩埋在我坟墓
Nowhere else to put it, that's the way that I was raised
无处安放 我的一路成长皆伴随着苦痛
Would've took a bullet if it meant you could've stayed
若能将你生命挽救 我甘愿为你挡下子弹
It's like they overcharged on the price that I paid
代价太过沉重 以至于无人得以担负
Left a **** broke, so I charge it to the game
唯余一颗破碎的心 所以我始终铭记这教训
As long as I'm alive, I'll be carrying your name
只要我生命尚存 我便会传递你的英名
They'll never cut you out the frame, but
让荣耀永远伴随着你 流芳百世
Who do I turn to when I need saving?
当我需要救赎时 我能够转向谁?
'Cause you moved mountains, I can't do the same
因你能以凡人之躯移动山脉 而我无法做到
And did you think 'bout that when you left us?
当你离我们而去时 可曾想到过这些
I know it's selfish, but I can't help it
我清楚这很自私 可我也无能为力
If I fall down tomorrow, then there's no one to blame
若我明日就跌落谷底 也无从将责备归咎他人
Water under the bridge, let it burn like a flame
往事似流水 已成过去 任其如火焰般燃烧
You're not here and it kills me, I'm not numb to the pain
你已不在 令我痛不欲生 可苦痛无法将我麻木
Now there's blood on my hands, guess we're one and the same
此刻我的双手沾满鲜血 想必我们已融作一体
1.Lift Me Up (From Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By)
2.Love & Loyalty (Believe) (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
3.Alone (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
4.No Woman No Cry (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
5.Árboles Bajo El Mar (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
6.Con La Brisa (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
7.La Vida (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
8.Interlude (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
9.Coming Back For You (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
10.They Want It, But No (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
11.Laayli' kuxa'ano'one (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
12.Limoncello (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
13.Anya Mmiri (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
14.Wake Up (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
15.Pantera (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
16.Jele (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
17.Inframundo (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
18.No Digas Mi Nombre (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
19.Mi Pueblo (From "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever - Music From and Inspired By"/Soundtrack Version)
20.Born Again