Breathing in the air that I had once
喘息着 曾吐露的空气
I feel this is my last dance
或许这将是我 最后的翩舞
I’m clueless, but it’s said so in the wind
风捎来消息 我却仍无头绪
I hear the sound of the wings
恍然间 听闻振翅之声
Breathing in the air that I had once
喘息着 曾吐露的空气
I feel this is my last dance
或许这将是我 最后的翩舞
Here and there,
the lights reflecting how I feel
光影扑朔 暗示着我的心境
They shine my doubts
Don’t look away
Cause we won’t be back again
Your eyes won’t catch there again
你的眼神难以 重睹此幕
I’m clueless, but it’s said so in the wind
风捎来消息 我却仍无头绪
I hear the sound of the wings
恍然间 听闻振翅之声
Breathing in the air that I had once
喘息着 曾吐露的空气
I feel this is my last dance
或许这将是我 最后的翩舞
Now I know I have nowhere to go
深知此刻 自己将不知何去何从
It’s hard to wash my thoughts
挥散不去的思绪 仍萦绕脑海
Don’t look away
Cause we won’t be back again
Your eyes won’t catch there again
你的眼神难以 重睹此幕
I’m clueless, but it’s said so in the wind
风捎来消息 我却仍无头绪
I hear the sound of the wings
恍然间 听闻振翅之声
I know what’s left in me
遗留在心中的 依旧可见
And I can’t see what I lost
The heavy fog with me
Shine me through my heart
以你光芒照耀 为我心指明前路