So tell me what you want from me? Can we just pretend?
就摊牌吧 你对我有何企图 我们能否自欺欺人
Pretend that you didn't try to **** all my friends?
Wish I could erase you, you're tattooed in my head
真希望我能抹去你的痕迹 可你名字在我脑海挥之不去
There's three little words that I should've said
以示尊重 我是该浅浅送你三个字
Go **** yourself
速爬 懂?
Look at this picture, somethin' ain't right
看看这张照片 有些不对劲
I'm feelin' shitty, broken inside
我置身地狱 心碎一地
You cut me up in four-letter lines
你满嘴脏话 将我击溃
Stabbin' my back with this four letter lie
背刺我 以恶毒 以谎言
You gave my hoodie to some other guy
I fell for you and I'm payin' the price
我爱上了你 也付出了代价
Do you do it for clout? Do you do it for hype?
Do you do it for love? Do you do it for likes?
I am so high, the stars in my eyеs
我头晕目眩 神志不清 眼中满是星星
I wanna go back, I wanna rewind
我想重回最初 倒流时光
You got many faces, Gemini
你八面玲珑 翻脸无情 不愧是双子座
You'rе worse than all of my ex's combined
我所有极品前任加在一起 都没你糟心
I said that last time would be the last time
我说了是最后一次 就绝无下次
You always ****in' gaslight, you're never all alone
你亲口吐出的连篇谎话与你作伴 相信你不会孤单
I need to say what's on my mind, and then it's goodbye
我得袒露心声 说完就后会无期
You left me high and dry and now I gotta go
你让我走投无路 现在该我退场了
So tell me what you want from me? Can we just pretend?
就摊牌吧 你对我有何企图 我们能否自欺欺人
Pretend that you didn't try to **** all my friends?
Wish I could erase you, you're tattooed in my head
真希望我能抹去你的痕迹 可你名字在我脑海挥之不去
There's three little words that I should've said
以示尊重 我是该浅浅送你三个字
Go **** yourself
速爬 懂?
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
I wish you well but go to hell
祝你平安 可地狱欢迎你呢
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
Go **** yourself
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
I wish you well but go to hell
祝你好运 但下地狱去吧
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh (Yeah)
Go **** yourself
Please, take me out of this episode of Euphoria
拜托 别任我被《亢奋》里的纸醉金迷裹挟
Back to the Waldorf Astoria
Do not disturb on the door while she screaming'
她惊声尖叫 门上挂上“勿扰”的牌子
My D-I-C-K B.I.G. like Notorious
我的很大 你忍一下
Don't know who that dude on your story is
搞不明白 你说的那男的是谁
But you dumb as **** for ignoring' this
但愚不可及的你 竟然忽视得一干二净
And I won't remember recording' this
I'm off these red and blue pills, like I'm Morpheus
红蓝药丸的把戏我不再玩了 学Morpheus
You started this shit, and I'ma make it end, yeah (Yeah)
既然你引发了混乱 就让我来收场
Heard that you asking 'bout who I been with
听说你在打听 我现在和谁在一起
You should ask your friend, damn (Damn)
I said the last time would be the last time
我说了是最后一次 就绝无下次
You always ****ing gaslight, you're never all alone
你亲口吐出的连篇谎话与你作伴 相信你不会孤单
I need to say what's on my mind, and then it's goodbye
我得袒露心声 说完就后会无期
You left me high and dry, and now I gotta go
你让我走投无路 现在该我退场了
So tell me what you want from me, can we just pretend?
就摊牌吧 你对我有何企图 我们能否自欺欺人
Pretend that you didn't try to **** all my friends (Yeah)
I wish I could erase you, you're tattooed in my head
真希望我能抹去你的痕迹 可你名字在我脑海挥之不去
There's three little words that I should've said: "
以示尊重 我是该浅浅送你三个字
Go **** yourself
速爬 懂?
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh (Hahaha)
I wish you well but go to hell
祝你平安 可地狱欢迎你呢
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh (Yeah, ayy, ayy)
Go **** yourself
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
I wish you well but go to hell
祝你好运 但下地狱去吧
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
Go **** yourself
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh
1.i dont love me
2.dead inside
3.toxic energy
4.nothing matters
6.broken world
9.the idea
11.back in rehab
12.hazel inside