Are You Entertained (feat. Ed Sheeran)

Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Every time, every night is a loose one
每时每刻 每个夜晚对我而言都轻松不已
And every flight, you know that I put the crew on
You say that I dropped off, well then tell me what you've done?
你嘲笑我人气不如以前 那你敢不敢告诉我你做了什么?
I'm still in my winning phase, yeah, I been away
此刻的我还享受着胜利滋味 没错 我曾离开过片刻
Are you entertained? I'm gone
你是否感到开心了? 我可以走了吧
The God in me, that's what I'm constantly summoning
心中的神明 我不断召唤着祂
I love the climb, I don't care where the summit is
我热爱向上攀登 从不会在意哪里是顶峰
Funny when people be sayin' I peaked (Ha)
那些说我已没有上升空间的人 可真是太搞笑啦(哈)
Retired my parents, they live at the beach
我的父母已经退休 在海滨居住着安享晚年
Models and freaks is my track record (Yeah)
遇到过的美女模特 还有那些怪胎 都记载我的成就 (耶)
I made my homies my staff members
我让好兄弟们成为我的工作人员 大家打成一片
Got myself lit to give y'all the light
再像蜡烛般点燃自己 照亮他们
Usin' my mind to attract better
用我聪慧的头脑 去吸引更好的人
At first, when adversity came I said "Why me?"
起初当逆境降临时 我疑惑"为何发生在我身上?"
Now I be starin' at doubt sayin' "Try me"
Kyrie, I handle it well
看呐 我处理得很好 就像凯里-欧文那样
They still takin' shots, tryna hand me a L
他们依旧在场上投篮 试着让我一发入魂
But I pass on that
Anger, I try not to act on that
感到愤怒 可我尽量不表现出来
I'ma just transmute it
Put it all back in the music
It's feeling like I might just be on a roll
I'm never sellin' my soul
My records are platinum and gold
It just keeps happenin', woah
It's feeling like I might just be on a roll
I'm never sellin' my soul
My records are platinum and gold
It just keeps happenin', woah
Every time, you see me shine and move up
每当你看到我光芒闪耀 事业步步高升
My seat is reclined, the jet is G5, I blew up
搭乘G5豪华私人飞机 椅背向后倾斜 哥厉害得很
You tell me I fell off, but tell me what you've done
你嘲笑我人气不如以前 那你敢不敢告诉我你做了什么?
I'm still in my winnin' phase, 'Rari switchin' lanes
此刻的我还享受着胜利滋味 没错 我曾离开过片刻
Are you entertained? I'm gone
你是否感到开心了? 我可以走了吧
Well, I'm in the pub with the bros
Lightin' up something that goes
Nothin' is froze
But when I put the kettle on, it's a number that nobody knows
但当我将水壶放在火上 几时烧开便无人知晓
I stay off the road, live in the sticks
我远离尘嚣 安逸地住在乡下
Put my profit into mortar and bricks
You know I got good advice from a couple guys
To leave more than just stress for my kids
要给我的孩子们留下宝贵财富 而非只是压力
Well isn't it blissful, baby
这难道不幸福吗 宝贝
Sittin' in like we made it?
就这样坐在这里 好似我们已经成功?
It's kinda mad how the game is
You celebrate it and hate it
你庆贺着它 却又厌恶着它
But I don't pay no attention to the words
Put out another one, let it burn
再扑灭一簇火焰 任其炽烈燃烧
Still on the list, you know what it is
我依旧榜上有名 你知道我指的是什么
They puttin' me first, yeah
Met Russ in Carbone in New York
Now we here, and I'm killin' the verse
现在我们一起在这里 让我把这段verse唱完
And every time, it's gotta be right
And told me "Teddy, boy, take 'em to church"
对我说 "老黄 哥们带他们一起去教堂"
When you touch down up in London you know what?
当你在伦敦降落 可知道接下来要发生什么?
Give me the stage and you're gonna see how it goes off
将舞台留给我 你就将看到真正的表演
Every time, every night is a loose one
每当你看到我光芒闪耀 事业步步高升
My seat is reclined, the jet is G5, I blew up
搭乘G5豪华私人飞机 椅背向后倾斜 哥厉害得很
You say that I dropped off, well then tell me what you've done
你嘲笑我人气不如以前 那你敢不敢告诉我你做了什么?
I'm still in my winnin' phase, 'Rari switchin' lanes
此刻的我还享受着胜利滋味 没错 我曾离开过片刻
Are you entertained? I'm gone
你是否感到开心了? 我可以走了吧
1.Are You Entertained (feat. Ed Sheeran)