Therapy Music

My anxiety was takin' over (Yeah)
Remove the devil and my faith go fill its slot like it's aimin dollar (Come on)
除掉魔鬼 狼狈溜走被我信仰察觉 学学Amendola
I finally made it to the field of my dreams, and I let ghost play around in my head like I'm Ray Liotta (Damn)
就像Ray Liotta(电影《梦幻之地》主人公) 我终于来到梦幻之地 已故棒球偶像的灵魂在我脑海里游荡
A Yankee on and I got stripes in this game
音乐这行我成就无数 好比纽约扬基队棒球服上的条纹
High headed but got ice my veins, arrivin' by plane
昂首挺胸 残忍冷血 坐飞机过来
G4 to be exact, rewards it be to raps
精确点说是私人飞机 获奖无数 席卷全场 说唱这块已封神
Three hoes before a foreign and three more are bein' cracked (Facts)
四十三岁前坐拥三个妞 再多就算了(没毛病)
That was the life that I was leadin' back before I went to therapy
And we unpacked, I wasn't really needin' that
我们卸下负担 真没必要啊
I was needin' validation, which, I agree is whack
我需要验证一番 我真心觉得糟糕透了
Mad at my therapist like, "Bitch, I agree with that" (Haha)
对我的治疗师大动肝火 “giao 我双手双脚赞同”
Here's the kicker though, my therapist is me (Facts)
尽管有些意外 可我的治疗师竟是我自己
Complainin' 'bout my problems, how American of me
我抱怨着自身的问题麻烦 我多少有点漂亮国人的毛病吧
There's a scarcity of free thinkers (Yeah)
It's all group thoughts (Sheep)
That's what they think (Yeah)
That's not what you thought (Psst)
Before you saw the popular vote
You scared that the world'll leave you if you rockin' the boat
你担心要是破釜沉舟 会与世界背离
So you don't (Pussy)
All aboard, now you safe in here but you don't even recognize your own face in here, **** it
都上船了 现在你安全了 却连自己的脸都认不出来了 该死
Independent with a major budget (Uh-huh)
独立自主 预算充足
You ain't mad at me, you mad your lady love it, we should change the subject (Uh-huh)
你没生我气 你只是恼怒于你的女人爱你这点 我们得岔开话题
I sway the public like I'm rappin' on the radio
就像在电台里说唱 我左右着公众
Long hair lookin' like I'm supposed to be on Game of Thrones, HBO
留着长发 我该在演HBO播的《权力的游戏》
But every time I talk, it makes the news like the Daily Show
我每发一次言 都该被《每日秀》的崔娃好好报道报道
I'm wavy so, of course you wanna cruise, I call her Katie Holmes
我这边波涛汹涌 你一定想要冲冲浪/阿汤哥(cruise双关) 我叫她Katie Holmes(阿汤哥老婆)
All my dreams are comin' true, that's somethin' I innately know
我梦想都成真 我天生就明白我是个人生赢家
Labels feedin' artists soul diets like palio
唱片公司就该被时代淘汰 给艺人的那些好处真的low穿地心
Meanwhile I'm feedin' myself
Had a nightmare last night that I was sleep with myself, yeah, yeah
咋晚做了噩梦 梦见自己没人陪 只好独自入睡
Oh God
哦 天呐
I keep my ego in check, just me and this instrumental pumpin' through this cassette deck
桎梏自我 只有我的声音和伴奏 在磁带间来回穿梭
Money don't represent my rank
可不止钱多 我的地位你不可想象
Yeah, logic rose from Jack but even the Titanic sank
我从底层登船的杰克做起 邂逅露丝向上爬 可甚至偌大的泰坦尼克号都撞上了冰川
I seen cats with egos bigger than cruise ships lose it
Gain power and abuse it
Same to take my kindness for weakness and confuse it
和那些把我的善良当成软弱 傻傻分不清楚的公众一样
Same type don't know I stay with the gat and know how to use it
比那些不知道我家伙在手的人 也好不到哪去
Used to be addicted to likes by the likes of people I ain't even liked
过去沉迷于别人给我ins和推特点赞 可那些人我都不待见
Anxiety, readin' comments ain't have me readin' right
真是焦虑 读评论并不能让我顺心啊
Trapped in the Matrix, Black Neo, back to the basics
好比被困在黑客帝国的黑客尼奥 回到最初的从前
Now everything I do is off the grid, they just can' trace it
现在我只想远离世俗和网络 让那些跟屁虫望尘莫及
Face it, I used to love rap, now all I love is my family, **** the fake shit
面对现实吧 过去喜欢说唱 现在我只爱家人 虚假的一切都爬开
Only engulphed in darkness, can you see the light like common sense
唯有沉浸在黑暗中 你才能像Common Sense一样看到光明(他有首歌叫The Light)
But to my defense, that way you're thinkin' past tense
但我要说的是 那样想已经过时了
Life's a bitch and shit can get screwed like when you camping, that's ****in' in tents
生活充满狗血与恶意 就像在帐篷里露营/激烈缠绵(双关)一样
On tour the fans screamin' the West like cravin'
You know I deal with shit that'll make the average man's chest cave in
On the scene daily, this just in, word to Hailey
每天都在现场 就像贾斯丁比伯 对海莉说的话
I write about the world around me like a journalist
我像记者一样 描写着我周围的世界
It's funny how people that don't listen to me concerned with this
真是滑稽 那些不听我说话的人会关心这事
It's 'cause they have to be, these mother****ers weaker than muscle atrophy
这是因为他们必须知道 那群弱鸡简直逊爆了
This life feels like a simulation, man, it has to be
这种生活感觉就像模拟人生 老兄 可生活必须如此
Walked through the world, the whole shit is just one giant catastrophe
走遍世界 真糟心 就像一场巨大的灾难
Speak on mental health, the people after me, that's why I tapped out
说到Confessions of a Dangerous Mind这张专辑 所以我才宣布——
Retired 'cause I felt rapped out
现已退休 因为我已无话可说
Feel like people more connected with shit that's not what raps about, so I mapped out
感觉人们无法 与我所说唱的内容起共鸣 所以 我买酒消愁 直至断片
Just me and my fam, I don't give a damn
只有我和家人一起 我根本不在乎
Livin' day to day, just like the normal man I am
人人生活奔波 我就像位普通人
Bringin' it back to the reason I began it from the start
Spillin' syllables at will at the open mic, after dark
天黑后 站在开放麦前 随意地唱出每个音节
Hangin' with cats that stay with iron like they Tony Stark
逗逗住铁皮之中的猫咪 好打发时间 就像钢铁侠
We recognize when the phonies talk, why?
当那些假货说话时 我们便能一眼认出 为啥?
Real G's fly in silence like gnats, G7 raps
真正的恶棍 会像飞虫一般 静默飞行 我的说唱就好似G7飞机 令人高涨(Gnat:此词中的G不发音)
Retired now I'm back, I relapsed, we bringin' that heat back
曾退休了一段时间 如今我已高调回归 我固态萌发 热浪再度来袭
Like July, that real shit, no two ply
就像炎热七月 热浪来袭 为人真实 毕竟没有两个Plies对吧(双关:厕纸不用两层就容易裂)
Bitches I've been plottin' and plannin', **** whatever they been demanding
宝贝 我正不断密谋计划 无论他们有多苛刻
I grab the cannon, and ran in the lyrical phantom, jumpin' out the plane tandem
我拿着相机 而后沉浸编写抒情语句 跳出双翼飞机
Flow so effortless it seems like it happens at random
轻松想出歌词 就好似这是随机产生
My greed expand bigger, I Bruce Banner 'em
我的野心不断扩张 如浩克般将他们揍的满地找牙
I hit you with the buckshot then the Chapelle slug
我利用霰弹枪的威力将你吓倒 而后夏贝尔再将你重锤
Hustle music like some of my brothers still hustle drugs
喧嚣的音乐 就好似我的某些兄弟仍在非法兜售
I'm the unsung, did it for money, made the money, now I do it for fun
我的才华被尽数埋没 曾经说唱是为赚钱 现在我纯粹享受
Music will forever be a part of me
I do this from the heart, from the circumflex artery
我全心全意对待这一切 好似是回旋动脉供以氧气
My bank account is seven digits like I won the lottery
我的银行账户余额七位数 好像是我中了彩票
But that don't navigate the way I shape the game like pottery
但这无法如同陶器般 引导这场名为说唱的游戏的现状
So hold up, grab the gat, reload, the Rattpack be my soldiers
所以等下 拿上家伙事 准备就绪 Rattpack如今就是我的士兵(Rattpack是Logic创建的团伙)
Yeah, I'm older but I be wiser
虽然我愈渐年老 可我同时也变得更为明智
****ing around, now open your eyes up
环顾四周 现在请睁开你的双眼
Now these haters claim I fell from grace a couple years back
如今这些黑子声称 我几年前早已失去宠幸
Still at the top, where I been at
Eight miles from the surface of Earth, feeling infinite
地下八英里 感觉一切是那么无穷
Don't gotta get into that
Who's the illest on a track? Rewind it now and listen back
谁是道上最为病态的人物?请立马倒带 重听一遍
Wanna know who the best is? I give you fourty-four guesses
想知道谁最为出色?我给你看看 44 Bars & 44 More
It doesn't matter and it never did, it never does, it never will
没关系 这曾经也绝非如此 也绝不会如此
That's why I retired, it's impossible to fulfill
这就是我退休的原因 这一切难以履行
Just a hamster wheel, full of cats that never still
就像仓鼠的滚轮 身旁却满是准备就绪的猫
On it, for real (Woo, crazy!)
不断努力 讲真
3.In my lifetime
5.JJ Abrahams
8.Bleed It
10.Aaron Judge
12.Michael Rap
13.Therapy Music
14.Tony Revolori
15.Rogue One
16.Breath Control
21.Ten Years
22.Porta one
24.Introducing Nezi
27.Lena's Insight
28.Vinyl Days
29.I guess I love it