I don't know what a true love is but I hope it feels like this
我不懂什么是真爱 但我希望是这般
Maybe we're just two dumb kids on a one-way trip, only two ways this could end
也许我们只是不归路上愚不可及的两名孩童 要么去要么留
You talkin' and I can't even look into your eyes
你侃侃而谈 我甚至无法直视你双眼
I'm nervous, I'm stutterin', lalala lalalalala
紧张的我 期期艾艾
There's something that's tellin' me, I gotta make you mine
有种直觉在告诉我 我要让你归属于我
I felt it, you felt it
我感觉到了 你也如此
First it was just a rush, turned to a couple months
最初只是匆匆忙忙 一晃过了几个月
I lose track of time when I'm around you
在你身边 我会忘却时间的存在
I've never been in love, then it hit me like a truck
我从未恋爱过 之后爱情却突不及防 骤然将我眷顾
You got me like, ooh
There's a lot of things that I said I won't do
Everything changed the second I met you
遇见你的那一刻 一切都变了
I wasn't prepared for my dreams to come true
我尚未就绪 梦想即刻成真
I'm stuck on you
I don't know what a true love is but I hope it feels like this
我不懂什么是真爱 但我希望是这般
Maybe we're just two dumb kids on a one-way trip, only two ways this could end
也许我们只是不归路上愚不可及的两名孩童 要么去要么留
Every second's a minute, a minute's quick to be finished
每一秒都像是一分钟 却也很快就过去
I'm countin' hours and hours, I know for life I'm committed
我数了好几个小时 终于明了那终生承诺
And baby, I don't know what a true love is but I hope it feels, I hope it feels like this
宝贝 我不懂什么是真爱 但我希望是这般
Hope it feels like this
I hope it feels like
Coffee in the morning, you my blanket on a rainy day
晨间咖啡热气腾腾 外头倾盆大雨 而你我披着毯子 依偎在一起
Let's just close the curtains, and pretend that we on holiday
让我们拉上窗帘 假装在度假
Body talkin', I love how you communicate
肢体纠缠 互诉爱意 我喜欢你的交流方式
With you it's different, I don't feel like I could walk away
有了你一切都不同了 我真是栽了
Came out of nowhere, hit me like a hurricane
不知从何而来 像飓风一样袭击我
Daydreamin', got me thinking 'bout you wide awake
本沉浸在白日梦 而梦见你我就完全清醒
My favorite thing to put a smile on your pretty face
我最钟爱 你秀色可餐的脸上那莞尔一笑
There's nothin' left to say
You got me like, ooh
There's a lot of things that I said I won't do
Everything changed the second I met you
遇见你的那一刻 一切都变了
I wasn't prepared for my dreams to come true
我尚未就绪 梦想即刻成真
I'm stuck on you
And baby, I
宝贝 我
I can't help to think that I'm out of my mind
我不禁心想 我大抵是疯了
Feelin' like a kid, it's been such a long time
孩童般洒脱 已撒欢了许久
You know that it's real when it comes without tryin'
爱意随风起 你明白我真心
I'm goin' in, dyin'
I don't know what a true love is but I hope it feels like this
我不懂什么是真爱 但我希望是这般
Maybe we're just two dumb kids on a one-way trip, only two ways this could end
也许我们只是不归路上愚不可及的两名孩童 要么去要么留