What's all this suction?
Yeah, we're the lucky ones
We suck the corporate dime
Cause you can take it -
don't mean you're getting it
Follow the thin white line
So what's the use if you got your freedom
If you don't have **** in your life?
It's our complusion - more fun everyone
Just go to give it some time
I'm just a product part of the machinery
A pawn in God's electrical dream
I thought I was using the system
But the system was using me
(Yeah, yeah)
You can't escape it - just go along with it
You're born you work and you die
Just one more idiot - who's rendered meaningless
And there's an endless supply
So hang loose in your necktie noose man
and fight for the scraps you can get
Until they erase you
They're coming after you
'til you give up and give in
I'm just a product part of the machinery
A pawn in God's electrical dream
I thought I was using the system
But the system was using me
(Yeah, yeah)
I'm just a product part of the machinery
A pawn in God's electrical dream
I thought I was using the system
But the system was using...
I'm just a product part of the machinery
A pawn in God's electrical dream
I thought I was using the system
But the system was using me
(Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah)
2.Tell Me Im A Wreck
3.Too Little Too Late
4.Any Other Heart
5.All Signs Point To Lauderdale
6.[&] Delinquents
7.Take One Last Breath
9.Punk Rock And Roll
10.It Comes Naturally
13.For A Pessimist, Im Pretty Optimistic
14.Blood Drunk
18.A For Andrew
19.Because Of The Shame
20.Bright Eyes
22.The Joyride
24.Where Two Bodies Lie
25.Dont Let Me Cave In
26.Cant Catch Me
27.Finding Something To Do
28.Pull Your Own Weight
29.Sound Of My Voice Feat. Weerd Science
30.Sasha Dont Sleep
32.Whispers In A Shot Glass
33.Worn Out Passport
34.I Don’t Wanna Be The One
35.Our New Intelligence
36.Samba Around The Clock
37.Your Trying To Kill Me
38.Complicated Girl
39.The System
40.It All Relates
41.Deep Sleep
42.Notes From The Dead Zone
43.Bloody Poetry
44.To Your Demised
45.No Reservations