I had lost my mind.
I lost my head for a while was off my rocker outta line, outta wack.
See I had this tiny crack in my head
That slowly split open and my brain snoozed out,
Lyin' on the sidewalk and I didn't even know it.
I had lost my mind.
Why, i was sitting in the basement when I first realized it was gone.
Got I my car rushed right over to the lost and found.
I said "pardon me but I seem to have lost my mind."
She said "Well can you identify it please?"
I said "Why sure its a cute little bugger
About yea big a little warped from the rain"
She said "Well then sir this must be your brain"
I said "Thank you ma'am I'm always losin' that dang thing."
I had lost my mind.
1.Fake Records of Rock and Roll
3.Light of Day
4.Without You
5.High Horse
6.Queenie the Doggie
7.Is and Always Was
8.Mind Movies
9.I Had Lost My Mind