Black Horse Riding Star

Black Horse
Riding Star
Black Horse
Riding Star
Good - Bye
And Damn You.....
Sick Girl want to cry
Said Good -
ByeAnd Damn
YouSo High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't feel it
I'm So High and you can't feel it
Black Horse
Riding Star
Break My Heart
And ****** You.....
Sick Girl want to cry
Said Break
My HeartAnd
****** YouSo
High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't feel it
I'm So High and you can't feel it
It's all ****** you've blown it
There is no recovery
It's all ****** you 've blown it
You took that away from me
It's all ****** you've blown it
There is no recovery
It's all ****** you've blown it
You took that away from me
Once there was an ocean
That came into my arm
Horse made out of
Black TarKept us
Safe from
HarmThe day with no emotion
We drift into the sea
All I could remember
I wished I wasn't me
So High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't feel it
So High and you can't
Black Horse
Riding Star
Black Horse
Riding Star
Black Horse
Riding Star
Black Horse
Horse Riding
Horse Riding
Horse Riding
Horse Riding
1.Can't (Halloween Valentine)
2.The Last Day I Was Happy
3.Baby Dracula
4.Alexander the Burn Victim
5.Crispin Glover
6.Black Horse Riding Star
7.Band Aid Covers the Bullet Hole