Last night I burned a Polaroid of you
Not because I want you dead, but because I really love you
并非是想让你死心 而是我真的放不下你
How you got inside my head, I don't know, I'll never learn
你究竟是如何深深扎根我脑海 我不知道 我也不可能知道
Now I'm breathing in the fumes of your photo while it burns
我只好呆呆站在原地 闻着烧掉你照片时的塑胶臭味
Last night I burned a Polaroid of you
并非是想让你死心 而是我真的放不下你
Not because I want you dead, but because I really love you
你究竟是如何深深扎根我脑海 我不知道 我也不可能知道
How you got inside my head, I don't know, I'll never learn
我只好呆呆站在原地 闻着烧掉你照片时的塑胶臭味
Now I'm breathing in the fumes of your photo while it burns
Get me off of this rollercoaster
I could feel better knowing that it's almost over
一旦过山车到了顶峰 随之而来的就是一落千丈
We were falling off the rails, going upside-down,
猛力急刹 我连灵魂都快向前飞出
Then it stopped at the top and I fell right out
When the brakes hit, my whole soul jolted forward
而现在我需要重新审视一切 如果你
And to think I would've come out my corner for her
如果你续杯时会突然把我想起 那就大声唱:
Now it's all I got to think about, so think about me when you
pour your next drink up out, and maybe sing aloud:
不 你不会再听到我的任何消息
Time is on my side
No you aint hearing nothing from me
Since that day you lied
I learned the hot way talking is cheap
I'm a magnet for these kinds
Why they always come looking for me?
Got those lips that stain like wine
并非是想让你死心 而是我真的放不下你
Sounds just fine, yeah
你究竟是如何深深扎根我脑海 我不知道 我也不可能知道
我只好呆呆站在原地 闻着烧掉你照片时的塑胶臭味
Last night I burned a Polaroid of you
昨晚我做了一个噩梦 里面有你
Not because I want you dead, but because I really love you
你并没有再伴我身旁 而是离我而去
How you got inside my head, I don't know, I'll never learn
怎样才能把你彻底放下 我不知道 我也不可能知道
Now I'm breathing in the fumes of your photo while it burns
而世界依然照常运转 并不会在乎谁的感受
Last night I had a nightmare about you
Not because you were around, but because I was without you
How to get you out my head, I don't know I'll never learn
“回去 坐下 继续 放松 问题不大”
That the world doesn't care about our feelings when it turns
我在想 或许逃避可能是个办法
要是我有架私人飞机 我有多快就走多快
Get me off of this carousel
If I go-round any longer I'll be scared as hell
把墙上的相片挂了又撤 撤了又挂
My mind keeps playing tricks saying
"Get back on, sit back, keep that going, relax, it's mad fun"
It's a good thing, I guess, that I'm miles away
If I flew private planes then I would fly out today
And it's all that I can picture now,
So pull the pictures out and hang them just to strip them down
But keep them on the ground
但这次 我觉得自己做对了
Time is on my side
Every day passed feels like a week
Since that day you lied
并不是我想破镜重圆 只是因为我心中仍有你一席之地
You don't say anything I believe
你说你会为我倾尽一切 而我甚至不敢说出口
I'm a magnet for this kind
我反手把你最后一张照片扔进火中 彻底断了念想
So I know i did the right thing
Maybe we'll be fine
并非是想让你死心 而是我真的放不下你
But it's really not likely, yeah
你究竟是如何深深扎根我脑海 我不知道 我也不可能知道
我只好呆呆站在原地 闻着烧掉你照片时的塑胶臭味
I wish I still had my Polaroid of you
昨晚我做了一个噩梦 里面有你
Not because I want you back, just because I really love you
你并没有再伴我身旁 而是离我而去
And you say you want the best for me and dare I say the same?
怎样才能把你彻底放下 我不知道 我也不可能知道
If I put my last photo of you right inside a flame
而世界依然照常运转 并不会在乎谁的感受
Last night I burned a Polaroid of you
Not because I want you dead, but because I really love you
How you got inside my head, I don't know, I'll never learn
Now I'm breathing in the fumes of your photo while it burns
Last night I had a nightmare about you
Not because you were around, but because I was without you
How to get you out my head, I don't know I'll never learn
That the world doesn't care about our feelings when it turns