Bad Habits(REMIX)

Every time you come around you know I can’t say no,每当你前来 我实在难抗拒,Every time the sun goes down I let you take control,待到夕阳西下 我便任你操纵,I can feel the paradise before my world implodes,在世界濒临溃陷前 偶感天堂之境,and tonight had something wonderful,今夜我有备而来 惊艳出场,My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone,沾染恶习 使我深夜 仅剩孤独席卷,Conversations with a stranger I barely know,同未曾熟知的陌生人交谈,Swearing this will be the last, but it probably won’t,就算承诺到此为止 但或许没有尽头,I’ve got nothing left to lose, or use, or do,我再无所失 手边两空 无所事事,My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space,沾染恶习 使我双眸空洞 暗淡无光,And I know I lose control of the things that I say,深知出口的话 即将不再受控,I was looking for a way out, now I can’t escape,曾苦寻出路 如今却难以逃离,Nothing happens after two,午夜时分定将安宁无事,It’s true it’s true,事实真为如此,My bad habits lead to you,沾染恶习 使我变为你,My bad habits lead to you,我的恶习 使我变为你,My bad habits lead to you,我的恶习 使我变为你,Every pure intention ends when the good times start,良辰佳时开启 杂念油然而生,Falling over everything to reach the first times spark,为初次绽放的绚烂 而倾尽一切,Started under neon lights then it all got dark,始于霓虹之下 却霎时间 黯然覆灭,I only know how to go too far,我只知 如何走向极端,My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone,沾染恶习 使我深夜 仅剩孤独席卷,Conversations with a stranger I barely know,同未曾熟知的陌生人交谈,Swearing this will be the last, but it probably won’t,就算承诺到此为止 但或许没有尽头,I’ve got nothing left to lose, or use, or do,我再无所失 手边两空 无所事事,My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space,沾染恶习 使我双眸空洞 暗淡无光,And I know I lose control of the things that I say,深知出口的话 即将不再受控,I was looking for a way out, now I can’t escape,曾苦寻出路 如今却难以逃离,Nothing happens after two,午夜时分定将安宁无事,It’s true it’s true,事实真为如此,My bad habits lead to you,沾染恶习 使我变为你,My bad habits lead to you,我的恶习 使我变为你,We took the long way round,沿途漫长 你我周折而行,And burned til the fun ran out, now,待到此刻 乐趣皆殆尽,My bad habits lead to late nights ending alone,沾染恶习 使我深夜 仅剩孤独席卷,Conversations with a stranger I barely know,同未曾熟知的陌生人交谈,Swearing this will be the last, but it probably won’t,就算承诺到此为止 但或许没有尽头,I’ve got nothing left to lose, or use, or do,我再无所失 手边两空 无所事事,My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space,沾染恶习 使我双眸空洞 暗淡无光,And I know I lose control of the things that I say,深知出口的话 即将不再受控,I was looking for a way out, now I can’t escape,曾苦寻出路 如今却难以逃离,Nothing happens after two,午夜时分定将安宁无事,It’s true it’s true,事实真为如此,My bad habits lead to you,沾染恶习 使我变为你,My bad habits lead to you,我的恶习 使我变为你,My bad habits lead to you,我的恶习 使我变为你,
1.Bad Habits(REMIX)