编曲 : ?
get your you message you message(传达你的信息)
But I know you told your my name(但我知道你告诉了我的名字)
You message you message (你的留言.....)
But I know you feel like that my queen(但我知道你也感觉到,我的女王)
Pick up the phone接电话)
give at my song(听我的歌)
baby l know you ect so long(宝贝我知道你等了很长时间)
hi can you love me ever so more(嗨,你能更爱我吗)
promise won't be bored(保证这觉不会无聊)
because love her feel so wrong(因为爱x感觉错了)
show me Faced with your playing(告诉我怎么面对你的演奏)
how can I save our game?(我怎么样才能拯救我们的游戏)
but I only hope you can (但我希望你可以)
afraid of to you will(但怕你又会...)
pay more attention to the plan(更加注意你的计划)
know you somebody everything(了解你的所有一切)
It's not like m&m(这感觉不在像m&m)
Inside so you way(了解不了你的心)
Give that to you win.(把这游戏给赢取)
message to tha game(这游戏的一切消息)
l told you i need your (我告诉过你我需要你)
all night everyting(每一个晚上)
get your you message you message(传达你的信息)
But I know you told your my name(但我知道你告诉了我的名字)
You message you message (你的留言.....)
But I know you feel like that my queen(但我知道你也感觉到,我的女王)
why told my love is not you(为什么告诉我爱的那个人不是你)
why told my love is not you(为什么告诉我爱的那个人不是你)
Tell me what do something(告诉我该做什么)
sorry baby i doing nothing(抱歉宝贝,我什么都不做)
Late night sleep(深夜到点睡觉)
baby do you like to playing(亲爱的你喜欢玩吗)
get in bedroom mxxe love again(再次在卧室做x吧)
you body so ***y (你的身体真性感)
Let me can’t help do it again(我再也忍不住了)
I want to be your man(我想成为你的男人)
Want everything you have(让你拥有所有的一切)
but I don’t know you to will(但我不知道你是否愿意)
I want to be your gang(我想成为你的人)
Even if you're in trouble(即使你遇到麻烦)
I will be the first to help you have(我将是第一个帮助你的人)
get your you message you message(传达你的信息)
But I know you told your my name(但我知道你告诉了我的名字)
You message you message (你的留言.....)
But I know you feel like that my queen但我知道你也感觉到,我的女王)
why told my love is not you(为什么告诉我爱的人不是你)
you message you message(你的留言...)
take me my phone(在我的手机再次显示)
2.chill trip Trap
3.you message