Italian Secular Works: Chaçando un giorno

1.Italian Secular Works: Chi nel servir
2.Italian Secular Works: Poy che morir
3.Italian Secular Works: I cani sono fuora
4.Italian Secular Works: O rosa bella
5.Italian Secular Works: Chaçando un giorno
6.Italian Secular Works: Lizadra donna
7.Italian Secular Works: Deduto sei a quel
8.Italian Secular Works: Merçe o morte
9.Italian Secular Works: La fiamma del to amor
10.Italian Secular Works: Per quella strada lactea
11.Italian Secular Works: Dolçe fortuna
12.Italian Secular Works: Chi vole amar
13.Italian Secular Works: Con lagreme bagnandome nel viso
14.Motets: Albane misse celitus
15.Motets: O Petre Christi
16.Motets: O virum omnimoda
17.Motets: Doctorum principem
18.Motets: Petrum Marcello
19.Motets: Ut te per omnes
20.Motets: O felix templum
21.Motets: O beatum incendium
22.Motets: O Padua sidus praeclarum
23.Motets: Regina gloriosa
24.Motets: Venecie mundi splendor
25.French Secular Works: Le ray au soleyl
26.French Secular Works: Aler men veus
27.French Secular Works: Quod jactatur
28.French Secular Works: Sus un fontayne
29.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra Regina Gloriosa & Patrem omnipotentem Regina Gloriosa
30.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra & Patrem omnipotentem
31.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax (I)
32.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax & Patrem omnipotentem
33.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra pax (II)
34.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Et in terra
35.Settings of Sections of The Mass: Patrem omnipotentem (Credo)
36.Italian Secular Works: Una Panthera