I can't leave my bed, but I can't sleep
我无法离开我的床 但也睡不着
I've got no clean clothes and I can't eat
我没有干净的衣服穿 没东西吃
And I smoke too much till I can't breathe
抽太多烟 现在呼吸都成问题
I'm emotional, I'll always be
And I hate myself but that's alright
我恨我自己 但没关系
And I love myself but that's alright
我爱我自己 但没关系
And I tell myself that it's alright
我告诉自己 就算梦到
That I dream about the day I die
哪天自己消失在世界上 也没关系
To my surprise, there's no one to blame
出乎意料的是 这怪不得谁
Nobody came, what a shame, shame, shame
毕竟根本就没有人来 真是羞愧难当啊
I've been dancing at my funeral
Waiting for you to arrive
I was hoping you'd look beautiful
Dancing with tears in your eyes
But nobody came, what a shame, shame, shame
但根本就没有人来 真是羞愧难当啊
My hair fell out 'cause I dyed it cheap
脱发严重 毕竟我总用便宜的染料
I want a real fake smile but I hate my teeth
想强颜欢笑 但我不想露出牙齿
I want to tell you that I love you but I just can't speak
本来想跟你表白 但我却有口难开
I've got a ****ed up soul and an STD
我的灵魂完全崩溃 染上了病
Do you hate yourself? Well that's alright
你讨厌自己吗 但其实没关系的
Do you love yourself? Well that's alright
你讨厌自己吗 但其实没关系的
Do you tell yourself that it's alright
你会不会告诉自己 就算梦到
That you dream about the day you die?
哪天自己消失在世界上 也没关系
To my surprise there's no one to blame
出乎意料的是 这怪不得谁
Nobody came, what a shame, shame, shame
毕竟根本就没有人来 真是羞愧难当啊
I've been dancing at my funeral
Waiting for you to arrive
I was hoping you'd look beautiful
Dancing with tears in your eyes
But nobody came, what a shame, shame, shame
但根本就没有人来 真是羞愧难当啊
I wanna prove my love before I leave
但在我离开前 我想证明我的爱
I wanna make you come and scrape my knees
我希望你能够来 刮烂我的膝盖
Want you to bite my tongue until I bleed
And you can put these ****ing words in my obituary
We all hate ourselves, well that's alright
我们讨厌自己 但这样没关系
We all love ourselves, well that's alright
我们讨厌自己 但这样没关系
We all tell ourselves that it's alright
我们会告诉自己 就算梦到
That we dream about the day we die
自己离世的那天 也没关系的
I've been dancing at my funeral
Waiting for you to arrive
I was hoping you'd look beautiful
Dancing with tears in your eyes
But nobody came, what a shame, shame, shame
但根本就没有人来 真是羞愧难当啊
Nobody came, what a shame, shame, shame, shame, shame
根本就没有人来 真是羞愧难当啊
1.The Funeral