You were caught in a lie, said it with your eyes
你的谎言不攻自破 你那双眼将一切全盘托出
Said to all my homies that you weren't even mine
身边人都由我得知 你的心过去根本不属于我
You didn't think twice, got a heart made of ice
你不假思索 拿颗冰心搪塞我
And that shit hit me, did me dirty
将我俘获 却不怀好意
I never asked why and I never did cry
我没问过原因 没大哭一场
I never told another how I felt inside
也从未对他人 诉诸衷肠
My demons don't hide when I'm dreaming at night
夜里梦中徜徉 我的心魔并不会躲藏
And I won't mislead you, you'll miss me
我不会让你误会 而你定将对我念念不忘
'Cause I don't give a **** about you no more
把连帽衫还给我 否则我就把门踹开
Give me back my hoodies or I'm kicking down doors
现在回想起来 你长相算不上漂亮 我很肯定
You weren't even pretty, looking back and I'm sure
你还在想念我 真是好笑
You still miss me, that's so funny
我才不管你呢 你可发过誓
I don't give a **** about you, you swore
You would never talk about me before
撒谎成性 穿着牛仔短裤的你 龌龊又丑陋
You lied looking filthy in your ugly jean shorts
你还是吻了我 现在一切都成过去式
You still kissed me, now shit's history
我不想扮酷 也不想和你做朋友
I don't mind if we speak again
心灰意冷的我留存一丝期待 亲爱的你曾风情万种
I don't wanna be cool, I don't wanna be friends
Leave me half alive, on my homies, you was flirty
Fill me up with lies, and you did me so dirty
让我的心血流不止 淌在地板
'Cause I don't give a **** about you no more
过去你我 从未以真心换真心
Left me bleeding with my heart on the floor
你怂恿我误入歧途 我只竭力忽视你满满的恶意
You were never really mine, I was never really yours
You're the demon on my shoulder I'm just trying to ignore
在好莱坞山 我们虚与委蛇
And I don't give a shit about your fake ass friends
我不想道歉 也不愿弥补什么
Hollywood Hills while we play pretend
I don't wanna say I'm sorry, I don't wanna make amends
I will never make a mistake like you again
把连帽衫还给我 否则我就把门踹开
现在回想起来 你长相算不上漂亮 我敢肯定
'Cause I don't give a **** about you no more
你还在想念我 真是好笑
Give me back my hoodies or I'm kicking down doors
我才不管你呢 你可发过誓
You weren't even pretty, looking back and I'm sure
You still miss me, that's so funny
撒谎成性 穿着牛仔短裤的你 龌龊又丑陋
I don't give a **** about you, you swore
你还是吻了我 现在一切都成过去式
You would never talk about me before
You lied looking filthy in your ugly jean shorts
You still kissed me, now shit's history
我清楚 你已别无选择
Regardless you're so heartless
一种神经毒素 好似免收租金的住客 盘踞在你脑中
Led my heart into your darkness
每天早上 我都带着微笑醒来
Hid the truth behind your harmless pretty face, aww
你是被人收养的 这事我一清二楚
And I know you're running out of other options
该死 曾经我很爱你 但说实话 现在我都看淡了
Live in your head rent free, a neurotoxin
对待我 你毫无公平可言
And I wake up every morning with a smile on my face
恶语相向 让我伤痕累累
Knowing full well you were put up for adoption
Oh shit, yeah, I went there but honestly, I don't care
You never tried to play fair with me
把连帽衫还给我 否则我就把门踹开
Left me broken with scars, making all these remarks
现在回想起来 你长相算不上漂亮 我敢肯定
So now this is the part where I leave
你还在想念我 真是好笑
我才不在乎你 你可发过誓
'Cause I don't give a **** about you no more
Give me back my hoodies or I'm kicking down doors
撒谎成性 穿着牛仔短裤的你 丑陋又龌龊
You weren't even pretty, looking back and I'm sure
你还是吻了我 现在一切都成过去式
You still miss me, that's so funny
I don't give a **** about you, you swore
You would never talk about me before
You lied looking filthy in your ugly jean shorts
You still kissed me, now shit's history