The given institution of coupling
hums from inside the hotel lobby bars
Pick up lines by ruby red musicians
Heavy, beige lounging
Tropes of the dim lighting
Shame’s kept up his promised weapon-waving
'cause I’ve been crossing into mobility
To all things out here
Tremendous bees droned in the violins
Why not film me while you’re waiting for the light?
While you’re held up by a ruby red instrument
you’re falling short; NSA rigged
You’re shedded when the strings kick in
All my crushes of the year
This is where I've taken them
Cornered in ensemble fever
Corrupted I’ll help
It’ll help
Oh but to what generic extent can two trans girls
flicker through ninety nighttime burpees?
Are we just picking up the loop, the meridian?
The drop-down-dead defeat,
and a leap of win in every rep
Professional suspicion living in the river
inspecting passes on this economy
encompassing but a forward stand
Oh a forward stand