Here once again,
Just following tracks through frozen soil,
Where once we ran,
Love in mind,
Where once we ran,
Love in mind,
Forsaken land,
You kept me when I couldn't face the world,
And I lost the thread,
Through those wasted days,
So start again (Somewhere in search of a clearing),
Love in mind (It's a passage),
Seen through lost and open eyes,
It's a waste of time for an idle mind that needs to walk,
Where once we ran (Somewhere in search of a clearing),
Love in mind (It's a passage),
Seen through lost and open eyes,
Somewhere in search of a clearing,
It's a passage.
1.It‘s A Passage
2.Shadow in the Frame
3.YOU Belong There
4.Upeopled Space
7.I'll wait for you visit
8.Keepr and Kin
9.The last one
10.Rpeat the Pattern