Heard This Noise

How can I smile while the vampires sing?
I must confess, sometimes
I live up in a tree
Blessed by a ghost with an open arm
And a steady hand for redemption
I forget that winter comes with a deadline
And then she's gone
Cold air cage opened up
Resurrected dark angels
And the conversation gets placed
Once again, underneath my brain
And up in front of my mouth
Technology, well, she takes a walk
And she's so proud
The catalysts include a microphone
And a highway of wires
Misused and taken for granted
How can I smile while the vampires sing?
I must confess, sometimes,
I live (and dream)
Blessed by a ghost with an open arm
And a steady hand for redemption
1.Then Came To Kill
2.They Faced Each Other
3.The Trumpet
4.And Shot Each Other
5.The Deaf Policemen
6.Back To Back
7.They Drew Their Swords
8.Forgive Me Nashville
9.The Two Dead Boys
10.Heard This Noise