Malicious resplendence
a master of lies
give me everything you owe me your life
My fuel is my hatred
Unforgiving contempt
for the waste of life you feebly attempt
I pray on your weakness exposing your spine
you cower at my feet and hold me divine
Driven by hatred I rule through fear
I am the master of all you hold dear
Architects of murder sadistic and cruel
You're on this planet for only my use
My rivals exiled tortured and killed
forced suicide a sexual thrill
Scholars beheaded some buried alive
you only know when it comes from my mind
Merciless ruler sexually depraved
piteous raping of all the enslaved
A View askew
So corrupt
A crooked smile I gain your trust.
Give a little
Then take it back
Then take yours and ****ing laugh
I am your God
I own your soul
With your life you'll pay what you owe
Nothing left, your all spent
I keep taking
Never relent
Rampage cities
Tear them down
Destroy anyone who threatens the crown
Avenge the curse
Of a paranoid mind
Flay the skin
Burn out the eyes
Punishment from heaven
A scourge of god
Fed to lions
torn apart by dogs
Dismember the bodies
They litter the streets
Just a message to so called elites
The king of death
Destroyer of life
Kill the sons and daughters
Kill the wife
I wish the world had only one neck, with one vicious strike I would cut off the head
Seduce the wives and daughters of all my friends
Have them thrown into prison
and starved to death
Walk through the streets
Dance on my enemies skulls
Drink blood like wine
Murder for fun
1.Never Relent