Sell My Soul (2007 Remastered)

Let's begin, I am ready, let's begin
Sell my soul to him
Shed my skin, I just wanna shed my skin
I don't wanna sell my soul to him
Mechanize, city bursts and farmers die
They cry
Sleep face down in a goods train heading south in the rain
In this world I often think you'd understand me
In these words I often think you'd recognise me
'cos I just wanna swim with the fish in the sea
and I want faith to heal so that I can be clean
America's great now
If you don't talk back
You hide your face
Crawl and rubble,
And smile and small
That snails-paced creature
Going up and down walls
Celebrate, I just want to celebrate
I'm not going to sell my soul to him
When you look right in
1.Beds Are Burning (Remastered)
2.Put Down That Weapon (2007 Remastered)
3.Warakurna (2007 Remastered)
4.The Dead Heart (2007 Remastered)
5.Bullroarer (2007 Remastered)
6.Arctic World (2007 Remastered)
7.Dreamworld (2007 Remastered)
8.Whoah (2007 Remastered)
9.Sell My Soul (2007 Remastered)
10.Sometimes (2007 Remastered)
11.Gunbarrel Highway (2007 Remastered)