I Shall Go(Caesar L Remix)

作曲:Jason Kramer / SamX
作词:Jason Kramer / SamX
Produced by :R.eactor Music
Okay I'll go 好,我会走的
There's nothing **** 这并没什么好的
I don't wanna show 我不想展现出来
It's gonna blow 这会爆炸的
From my head to toe 从头到脚
Wanna get my soul 我想拿回我的灵魂
It's all my fault 这都是我的错
I dont need you know 我不需要你知晓
Maybe I'm not warm 或许是我不够暖吧
But thatz me yeah 但那就是我
Its reality. 这是事实
Okay I wanna ask why 好的,我想问你为什么
Like people always crying 为什么有些人常常哭泣
But that's really like Sam Winchest 但那真的就像Sam Winchest
He is my guy. 他是我兄弟
Sometimes I cry I try 有时我哭泣我努力
And I get away from my death 一直尝试着摆脱死亡的阴影
In my life with the every single night 在我人生中每个孤独的夜晚
Yeah ,girl im still alive 没错,我还活着,女人
My purpose is want you to be my wife 我的目标是是想让你做我妻子
And I don't even wanna be a psycho who's gonna do crime
But I like the song of the Rhythm 我喜欢这首歌的节奏
You are my sun of the light 就像你,太阳般的光芒
Or maybe I don't even know that if it always shiny so bright 或者我根本不知道你为什么一直光彩照人
I used to love you I don't care about my anything else 我爱你所以不管不顾我自己的一切
Just like that ,people think me that I'm not turning into real.
So like that ,I don't like people they call me like an asshole.
Fake friends say to wazzup.And drinking coco 狐朋狗友还一起喝着Coco打招呼
Girl if u still miss him 女孩如果你还想他
then I will let you go 那我会放你走的
I have nothing left but 我什么都没有了
why you treat me like it though 为什么你还继续这么对我
There's nothing **** so 这没什么棒的
I'm chilling cold yo 我的心在变冷
U took away my soul 你拿走了我的灵魂
Fear in my bones. 恐惧深入我的骨髓
Maybe I don't need to show 可能我不需要表演
Either never let u know 也不会让你知道
Sometimes I tryna get away with my path 有时我尝试摆脱过去
But why and why 但,为什么,为什么
Why I have a daily cryin'? 为什么我每天都要啜泣
sleep with lonely ever single night 与孤独一起入睡
yeah 是的
girl 宝贝
When I'm thinking about u I still feel alive 当我想起你的时候我感到我还活着
I don't need the GTA V neither without counter-strike. 我不需要侠盗猎车手5也不要反恐精英
I just want u my dear pretty wife. 我只想你做我妻子
I'll hold u in my life we don't need to wasting time, 我会让你来我的世界,别浪费时间
others don't do that but I had did it twice. 其他人做不到的,我都做过了好几次
Babe I'm on the edge wow. 宝贝我感觉现在身在边缘
Please just show me how 求你告诉怎么办
I'don't wanna die for now 我不想现在死去
It's suprising that I am out 真的很震惊我被迫退出了
Holly God it's gonna all fall down 天哪上帝,万物皆毁
Okay I'll g 好,我会走的
There's nothing **** 这并没什么好的
I don't wanna show 我不想展现出来
It's gonna blow 这会爆炸的
From my head to toe 从头到脚
Wanna get my soul 我想拿回我的灵魂
It's all my fault 这都是我的错
I dont need you know 我不需要你知晓
Maybe I'm not warm 或许是我不够暖吧
But thatz me yeah 但那就是我
Its reality. 这也就是事实
Chicks 嘿
I've been through a lot of things 女人,我挺过了很多的事情
Now I tell you how I did it. 让我告诉你我怎么做到的
Let's hit it 开始吧
I used to dream about it 我以前都是梦见的
Don't call me somethin I hate 别叫我不喜欢的名字
But I give a **** about it 但我却不想理会对那些事
I don't need you to remind for it 我不需要你来让我想起这些事
Right now (Check!Uh yeah! ) 就是现在,听着
Save time for yourself 把时间留给你自己
But not for some one else 别为了其他人浪费
None real men tell 'me to watch out 没有一个真心的朋友告诉我当心
Everything in this world is gonna ruin my proud 在这个世界上所有的一切都在打击我的傲气
I will blocking my mouth 我会闭嘴
Your heart is the best position 你的心是最好的港湾
my prominent expression 这是我最突出的表现了
I mean it 我就是这个意思
I ain't joking 我没开玩笑
My throat's choking 我的喉咙卡住了
And I'm falling 我在堕落
I'm drowning我沉入死海
Devils' taking me in 恶魔们想带我入地狱
They want me to pick their things 他们想让我来承担他们的错事
They living in their rubble 他们活在“废墟”(糜烂的生活
I'm doing the best 我尽最大的努力
Being the humble 做到低调
the life's great 人生真美好啊
I'm still wanna take a train 我想继续走上正轨
To the highup of my brain 到达我大脑的极限
My life's struggle that 我一生都在挣扎
we're not gonna do the Chinese local but then 我们不会写传统的中文词
Plz , enjoy the real **** 所以,来听听我们最好的故事
datz we talking about 那就是我们谈论的
NO why 没有为什么
Because we esteem the Rap God
We doing the Marshall's job 我们做着与Marshall同样的事
Girl u played this dram' so hard 女孩你的表演精神太棒了
In my vessels' rap blood 我的血液里流淌着说唱的基因
My album is crap then I take it back
When I jus' starting the trap, 当我开始做trap的时候
Our songs 我们的歌
just like the flash 会像闪电一样
u jealous me then U can shut 你如果嫉妒我那你可以吼我
Party in the drop top 我们在敞篷车里开趴
Take it from the real job 从实际工作中吸取教训
Okay 好的
(If I did it and I'll let it show.Man and I think we're done
Okay I'll go 好,我会走的
There's nothing **** 这没什么好的
I don't wanna show 我不想展现出来
It's gonna blow 这会爆炸的
From my head to toe 从头到脚
Wanna get my soul 我想拿回我的灵魂
It's all my fault 这都是我的错
I dont need you know 我不需要你知晓
Maybe I'm not warm 或许是我不够暖吧
But thatz me yeah 但那就是我
Its reality. 这是事实
Okay I'll go 好,我会走的
There's nothing **** 这没什么好的
I don't wanna show 我不想展现出来
It's gonna blow 这会爆炸的
From my head to toe 从头到脚
Wanna get my soul 我想拿回我的灵魂
It's all my fault 这都是我的错
I dont need you know 我不需要你知晓
Maybe I'm not warm 或许是我不够暖吧
But thatz me yeah 但那就是我
Its reality 这是事实
(Yeah~) 没错
1.I Shall Go
2.I Shall Go(Caesar L Remix)