Tupac-Dear Mama(SamX Remix)(SamX remix)

致敬Tupac 献给自己的母亲
Vers 1
You are appreciated 感谢您我的妈妈
I am sorry mama 对不起妈妈
For everything I've done 关于我做的所有事
Everytime I think I am just a fukin' punk 每时每刻我都觉得自己是个混蛋
I'ma appreciated to being your son 我很感激能做你的儿子
Even in the future ya might be gone 即使未来你可能不在我身边
Don't no how an' why to spit it out 不知道怎么和为什么要说出这些话
My disposition as same as you 我的性格和你一样(急躁)
Believe the shxx that I'm doin' 只管相信我做的事
Why you always question? 为什么级总是在质疑
The big Sam is going to do something 长大的山姆要干点事业了
Doubt every body around me thaz not cool 怀疑每个在我身边的人,那并不酷
I have to keep read books in that school 我还得继续在那学校念书
Come and wear my shoes 来感受下我的日子
Gonna get out of these rules 我想挣脱那些规矩
I got my own crew 我有我自己的团队
they are all my dudes 他们都是我兄弟
Don't wanna study thaz the truth 不想学习这是真的哈哈
Dear mama 亲爱的妈妈
Why you say those words doesn't make sense 为什么你总说些没有意义的话
Thaz the reason why we can not be friends 这也是为什么我们不能做朋友
I am always find the way out of the tough 我总是寻找着方法逃离痛苦
But ya always show me love I even betray the God 但你也爱着我,但我甚至背叛了上帝
I didn't give a ny Respect to ya repay ya 我没有尊重你也没有感恩
Your whole life is suffering in sickness 你一生都在病痛里度过
Talk to me tell me how to do this 和我说告诉我怎么去做
Your life is long just keep it going on 您的日子还长只管一直往前就对了
I love u when your smile's on 我喜欢您微笑的时候
Don' have to worry about I am wrong 不要担心我会做错误的选择
Please never leave when your health is down (I pray) 永远不要在身体差的时候离去
If the nutrition still low income 如果身体还是没有那么好
You have stay young! 你也要保持年轻的心态
Mama! 妈妈!
You are appreciated 感谢您我的妈妈
Don't cha know we love ya? Sweet lady, 难道你不知道我们都很爱你吗?亲爱的夫人,
Dear mama, 亲爱的妈妈,
Place no one above ya, sweet lady, 没有人能够取代您的地位,
You are appreciated, 我们永远都感激您!
Don't cha know we love ya。 难道你不知道我们都很爱你吗?
vers 2
When I hang out the street drinking Hennessy 当我在街上晃荡,喝着轩尼诗
You called askin did I finish my history 你打电话给我问我做完历史(代表作业)了嘛
I yellin damn mama I hate study 我吼着我去,妈,我不想学啊
When you broke down to tears 当你伤心哭泣的时候
I bottle with my friends say cheers 我还在和我的朋友举杯欢庆
Ignore the inculcation through my ears 无视你在我的耳边萦绕的谆谆教诲
Got my lowest grades in years 每年拿到最低分
When I was caught up in jail 当我被抓进局子的时候
I don't know how ya felt 我不知道你怎么想的
I suppose your heart was melted 我猜测你可能伤透了心
I was only sixteen year-old mama 我那时只有十六岁啊妈妈
Why didn’t you save me mama 为什么你不能救救我妈妈
I know that I let you down mama 我知道自己让你失望了妈妈
I am sorry I even hate myself mama 我很抱歉妈妈我甚至也恨我自己
Even I play with thugs smoke cigarette 即使我和混混一起抽烟
Usually they show me the generous and much impact 但他们常常教我慷慨和很多的影响
But I will Thank Virgin Mary that you made me! 但我还是很感激圣母
And god that you raise me 和上帝是你生我养我
There is no way I can Pay you back 没有什么办法来报答您
But I wish that u understand 但我希望你明白
Your son became a strong man 你的儿子已经是个大人了
This type of arrogance was not sure to be expected 我这种傲慢并不是你想要的
From your son who speak of English 从你用英语能说会道的儿子口中说出的话
With no clue of what respect is 却没有一点的尊重
Ya dear son is kind of sloppy 你亲爱的儿子很单纯
Chasing the hopeless things in life 追逐着那些人生中虚幻的东西
He’s lack control of himself and of his mic. 他没有很好的自律,甚至是他的说唱 (灵感来自JIN)
Don't cha know we love ya? Sweet lady, 难道你不知道我们都很爱你吗?亲爱的夫人,
Dear mama, 亲爱的妈妈,
Place no one above ya, sweet lady, 没有人能够取代您的地位,
You are appreciated, 我们永远都感激您!
Don't cha know we love ya。 难道你不知道我们都很爱你吗?
vers 3
Everytime I'ma always think about myself 每次我都只考虑自己的感受
I didn't care how ya taking your pills 从没关心过你为什么要吃这么多药
Sometimes this goddamn feel which made me chill 有时候这该死的感觉让我不寒而栗
I finally know if I don't have a job how to pay the bills! 我终于明白了如果以后没工作怎么生活
Hold still mama,now your son's gonna show! 等一下妈妈,你的儿子给你秀一段
Improve myself an' make them choke! 我怎么提升自己让他们闭嘴
These people give a shxt about mine achievements 这些人从不关心你的成就
But I can independent to afford the payments 但我至少可以自己付房租啊〈工作室〉
Wondering in my own record label 我在自己的工作室里神游着
I just don't know what's my life's goal 我就是不知道自己的人生目标是什么
I used to trivializing everything in the world 我过去藐视一切东西
Whereas ya taught me to keep things in bowl 但你却教会我怎么保住自己的饭碗
Now I savvy after I was a noob 现在不是菜鸟的我明白了很多
though when I am gone I wanna a good craved on my tomb. 即使我有天不在了,我只希望在我的碑上能有几句好的话
Yo hey mom,this is your son,yeah,the big Sam ,and auh I just wanna tell you that I love u and this is everything I tryna say but I couldn't speak in the real life so I am using lyrics to show ya,I know I didn't listen to you sometimes but I hope you can understand so wish you like this song. yo,妈妈这里是你儿子在说话,昂~我想说我只想告诉你我爱你,然后这也是我在生活里说不出口的,我就只能用词来告诉您了,我知道我很多时候没有听你的话,我也希望您能理解我,也喜欢这首送给你的歌。
1.Tupac-Dear Mama(SamX Remix)(SamX remix)