Gates of hades
Realm of the dead
Multitudes will be shamed to everlasting contempt
The messiah is my servant
A serpent for my greed
[repeat 1st and 2nd verses]
Manipulation for an agenda
Mass enslavement over mankind
With diabolical fear
And schoel as our weapon
I ascend the throne
Oblivious, I submit
My essence is wasted...
[repeat 2nd and 1st verses]
1.Primordial Domination
2.The Fallen Priest
3.Dissolute Rule-Begin Apocalypse
4.Doctrines of Crucifixion
5.Conquered God
6.The Strength of Crucifixion
7.Hailed Babylon
8.Lead to Desolation
9.Extirpated Dominus