Where is your heart? Can we beat this if we all
你的心又在何处 如果我们团结一致 可否使它重新跳动
Tear the borders, break the walls, together as one?
撕裂边界 打破围墙 合而为一
The cruel hand of a faithless destiny that never sleeps (Oh, oh-oh)
命运无情的手 从不停息
The guiltless restraints assured by deceit (Oh, oh-oh)
所谓的保证 不过欺骗
Are we free? (Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Are we all alone? (Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh)
If you gonna accuse me of pourin' too much salt in the wound
你是否会指责我 只是因为我讲出太多令人刺痛的真相
We have just proved that they can pollute our heads with the news
我们只是说出真相 他们不过以那些虚假新闻来污染你的精神
They will manipulate the masses again
If you gonna accuse me of tellin' you what you already knew
你是否会指责我 只是因为我再一次告诉你发生过的事
It's the same song sung with a different truth
相同的歌 不同的心境 便会有不同的道理
And all of us forget it 'cause our head's inside the noose
我们是否都忘记了 我们的脖子 还正套着绞索
They will manipulate the masses again
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we won't forget it
是啊 我们绝不会忘记
You better pray for absolution
You can change but you can't deny
你可以改变 但你无法否认
The new wave in a terror nation
恐怖主义的国家 正卷土重来
Why do we ignore the warning signs?
我们为何 忽视了这些预警信号
Board it up, the borders are shut
木板封住 边界关闭
The blood of the innocent is under the rug
华丽地毯下 洒满无辜者鲜血
White lies in a world corrupt
腐败世界之中 所谓的善意谎言
Are we too blind to see through honest eyes?
我们是否太过盲目 无法直视那诚实的双眼
War will cease when we refuse to fight
如果我们能真心拒绝战争 那为何还会战火纷飞
Where is your heart? Can we beat this if we all
你的心又在何处 如果我们团结一致 可否使它重新跳动
Tear the borders, break the walls, together as one?
撕裂边界 打破围墙 合而为一
The cruel hand of a faithless destiny that never sleeps (Oh, oh-oh)
命运无情的手 从不停息
The guiltless restraints assured by deceit (Oh, oh-oh)
所谓的保证 不过欺骗
Are we free? (Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Are we all alone? (Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh)
Are we all alone?
Hope widows, shattered windows
带着希望的寡妇 那破碎的窗户
Restriction without effect
所谓的限制令 又有什么效果
Deadlines in silhouettes
Why do we ignore the warning signs?
我们为何 忽视了这些预警信号
Cold calls to derelict homes
那被遗弃的家中 冰冷的呼唤
Needles at the side of the road
Wires and liars like thorns that won't let go
电线中的骗子 就像无法拔出的毒刺
Are we too blind to see through honest eyes?
我们是否太过盲目 无法直视那诚实的双眼
War will cease when we refuse to fight
如果我们能真心拒绝战争 那为何还会战火纷飞
Tell me, where is your heart?
告诉我 你的心又在何处
I think the silence speaks volumes
我想 沉默也许能说明问题
Now, we march to our own drums
现在 我们按自己的节奏前行
They're only singing what they want to be sung
他们只会唱出 他们想唱的圣歌
Hate's become the new anthem
现在 仇恨已成为新的国歌
How could you?
When did our veins run numb?
我们的血管 都变得麻木
We treat our species like a ****in' flood
我们对待同胞 也像对待那场洪水
Hate's becomin' our new anthem
现在 仇恨已成为新的国歌
The longer I live, I learn that we don't belong
我在世上活的越久 越能发现 我心并不归此
We've taken more than we can give
我们贪心索取 已比能给予的更多
And you'd do better on your own
你只想着自己 活的更好
The longer I live, I learn that we don't belong
我在世上活的越久 越能发现 我心并不归此
We've taken more than we can give
我们贪心索取 已比能给予的更多
And you'd do better, better on your own
你只想着自己 活的更好
Are we all alone?
我们是否 只是孤独的个人
Tear the borders, break the walls, take us back to when we're all
撕裂边界 打破围墙 就让我们回到从前吧
Together as one, taught to love, born to live and let go
合而为一 学会去爱 生命便是孤独与放手
Tear the borders, break the walls, take us back to when we're all
撕裂边界 打破围墙 就让我们回到从前吧
Together as one, taught to love, born to live and let go
合而为一 学会去爱 生命便是孤独与放手
1.Silence Speaks