sunrise in the sky look into our eye
I want to go the fly with the sun side by side
people say no fine but iwant to try
faith is my light no matter is very high
sunrise in the sky look into our eye
want to go the fly with the sun side by side
people say no fine but iwant to try
faith is my light no matter is very high
放下手里的手机 打开了柜子的抽屉
所有不要的全部都丢弃 开始进入新的游戏
一切做的更加的走心 不再去触碰着酒精
我要变得更加优异 必须做到出人头地
ok change my new name
这次给你尝尝最新鲜的口味 周围
sunrise thenewway 拿起了麦克风而不是在握着酒杯
who‘s way 跟麦克风住一起 new shit 录制起
在故事里 sunrise 成功的到达我的目的地
sunrise in the sky
sunrise in the sky look into our eye
want to go the fly with the sun side by side
people say no fine but iwant to try
faith is my light no matter is very high
sunrise in the sky look into our eye
want to go the fly with the sun side by side
people say no fine but iwant to try
faith is my light no matter is very high
哇 will be star 抛开了杂念把自己做大
让所有质疑我的人都给我坐下 然后慢慢的听我说话
提升level变的高级 不让家里人为我着
不停的make money 给我的pretty girl 买gucci和 lv
sunrise万里晴空 每天都在抬头挺胸
神经不再那么紧绷 自己感到特别的轻松
哪把自己累的废了睡着是为了做出好的作品冲出world wide
sunrise in the sky
sunrise in the sky look into our eye
want to go the fly with the sun side by side
people say no fine but iwant to try
faith is my light no matter is very high
sunrise in the sky look into our eye
want to go the fly with the sun side by side
people say no fine but iwant to try
faith is my light no matter is very high