Rappahannock County:Part I: Victory at Manassas (Telegraph Operator, Newspaper Editor, Young Wife)

1.Rappahannock County:Part I: Trio: Sanctified by God (Rev. Zachariah Springer) - A Noble Institution (Mrs. Laticia Saunders) - States' Rights (Jefferson Adams)
2.Rappahannock County:Part I: Recitative: Farewell, Old Dominion (Clement Davis)
3.Rappahannock County:Part I: Mine (Two Nameless Slaves)
4.Rappahannock County:Part I: Farewell, Old Dominion (Clement Davis)
5.Rappahannock County:Part I: Victory at Manassas (Telegraph Operator, Newspaper Editor, Young Wife)
6.Rappahannock County:Interlude No. 1
7.Rappahannock County:Part II: Being Small (Reuben Lark)
8.Rappahannock County:Part II: Making Maps (Jed Hotchkiss)
9.Rappahannock County:Part II: I Seen Snow (Travis Bledsoe)
10.Rappahannock County:Part II: Rappahannock (Two Newly Freed Slaves)
11.Rappahannock County:Part III: I Listen (Violet Fitzsimmons)
12.Rappahannock County:Part III: Bound to Be (Joe Harris)
13.Rappahannock County:Part III: All I Ever Known (Lily Quinn)
14.Rappahannock County:Part III: The Good Death (John Smith)
15.Rappahannock County:Interlude No. 2
16.Rappahannock County:Part IV: In Their Eyes (Cornelia MacDonald)
17.Rappahannock County:Part IV: A Fine Solution (Silas MacDuffie)
18.Rappahannock County:Part IV: Hallie-Ann (Grace Beaufort)
19.Rappahannock County:Part IV: For Love of Country (Elias Leggett)
20.Rappahannock County:Part IV: I Walk Away (Joshua Barnes)
21.Rappahannock County:Interlude No. 3
22.Rappahannock County:Part V: This Was Our House (Susan Johnson and Family)
23.Rappahannock County:Part V: Jumping the Broom (Dorothea Henry, Jones Henry)
24.Rappahannock County:Part V: Finale: April Will Return Again/Rappahannock (All)
25.Late Afternoon:I. Otherwise
26.Late Afternoon:II. Willi, Home
27.Late Afternoon:III. "X"
28.Late Afternoon:IV. Just Now
29.Late Afternoon:V. What the Living Do
30.Late Afternoon:VI. Let Evening Come