One Wish (feat. Desmond S. Peeples & Dre Skuffs)

1.One Wish (feat. Desmond S. Peeples & Dre Skuffs)
2.Feel the Rain (feat. LeBulu, Jasper Robards, Dan Wall, Kevin Price, Gailanne Amundsen, James Day Leavitt, Siobhán Butler & Lindsey Nogueira)
3.Smart Phone (feat. JP & Johnny Ride)
4.We Need Music (feat. Summer Joy & Jp)
5.Splurge (feat. Shiral)
6.Bye Bye (feat. LeBulu & Dre Skuffs)
7.So Divine (feat. Jeffrey Parry)
8.Let Me In (feat. Shiral & James Day Leavitt)
9.Silence Is Consent (feat. Jasper Robards)
10.Trust the Process (feat. Dan Wall, James Day Leavitt & Jasper Robards)