What if I never run into you?
如果我未曾与你撞见 一切将是什么结果
What if you never smiled at me?
如果你未曾对我展露笑容 又会是什么模样
What if I had noticed you too?
如果我从未注意到你 一切又将如何发展
And you never showed up where I happened to be
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
在这安静的夜晚 你我相遇的几率会是多少
On a quiet night, what are the odds?
What's a guy like me doing in a place like this?
本该就如此路过你的世界 但谁又能预料到一切
I could have just walked by, who would have thought?
若我最终与你共舞一曲 我能否拥有那样的机会
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
What are the chances that we'd end up dancing?
我早该再人群里将你寻至 将我的双手搭上你的腰肢
Like 2 in a million, like once in a life
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
I could have found you, put my arms around you
Like 2 in a million, like once in a life
如果我未曾问过你的名字 这一切将是什么模样
What are the chances?
如果你向我倾诉之时 时间未曾为我们停驻
What if I hadn't asked for your name?
And time hadn't stopped when you said it to me? Oh
Of all of the plans that I could have made
在这安静的夜晚 你我相遇的几率会是多少
Of all of the nights that I couldn't sleep, oh
本该就如此路过你的世界 但谁又能预料到一切
What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?
若我最终与你共舞一曲 我能否拥有那样的机会
In a crowded room, what are the odds?
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
What's a guy like me doing in a place like this?
我早该再人群里将你寻至 将我的双手搭上你的腰肢
Getting close to you, but here we are?
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
What are the chances that we'd end up dancing?
是爱 还是命中注定
Like 2 in a million, like once in a life
我是谁 谁能告诉我
That I could have found you, put my arms around you
Like 2 in a million, like once in a life
是爱 还是命中注定
What are the chances?
道路的尽头通向何方 谁能阐明
Is it love? Is it fate?
Who am I? Who's to say?
若我最终与你共舞一曲 我能否拥有那样的机会
Don't know exactly what it means (Ooh, oh, yeah)
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
Is it love? Is it fate?
我早该再人群里将你寻至 将我的双手搭上你的腰肢
Where it leads, who can say?
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
Maybe you and I were meant to be
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
What, what
What are the chances that we'd end up dancing?
万里挑一 哪怕一生只有一次
2 in a million, once in a life
如果我未曾与你撞见 一切将是什么结果
That I could have found you, put my arms around you (My arms around you)
若你未曾对我展露笑容 这故事的终点又会走向何方
Like 2 in a million (It's like 2 in a million), like once in a life, yeah (Woah)
What are the chances? (What are the chances?)
2 in a million, once in a life
What are the chances? (What are the chances?)
2 in a million, once in a life
What if I never run into you?
And what if you never smiled at me?