I keep loosing my faith
't loose it )
I keep tryin 'again
't let you fall )
I keep taking the blame
't take it )
I can 't give it away
's not your fault )
You might not know what I mean
't loose It )
But you know what I believe in
't let you fall )
I can 't give you my cause
't take It )
I 'm just saying because
Invisible rat holes
You can 't catch them
The guilty are invisible
So you can 't catch them
have it
You 're strong enough
You have it
It 's in your heart)
They keep turning away
have it)
I can 't help I 'm afraid
're strong enough)
Give us power to fight
have it)
Oh I wish we would try
have It)
I keep playing my part
All I know is my song
All I 'm trying to say is
I can 't live their way
I can 't live their way
I can 't live their way
I can 't live their way
I can 't live their way
Invisible rat holes
You can 't catch them
The guilty are invisible
I can 't catch them
when I play on
And when I play it all falls trough me
All is in control)
Who matters and who doesn 't