Pick me up, when i'm calling you
当我给你来电时 请快点接通
Ring, ring, ring, I am all for you
铃 铃 铃 这样急促 都只是为了你
Pick me up, come pick me up, there so much left to say
拿起手机 快点接通 我有太多的话想对你说
Love me now, before it's too late
现在就爱上我 否则 一切将为时已晚
Hold on, Hold on to me, you're putting me on hold
等等 再等等 你让我再等一下
Hold on, Hold on to you, no more, no more
等等 再等等你 再等一次 最后一次
Hold on, Hold on to me, don't dare to let me go
抓住我 抓紧我 不准你再让我走
Call on me, and i'm all for you
打给我 要知道我整颗心都是为了你
就占用一点点时间 现在就选一种方式
Let's just take a minute, take a breed of now
逃走吧 终有一日 我们还会再回来
Run away we'll make it back somehow
把头扬起来 宝贝 俯瞰这一切
Keep your head up, baby there so down
We got it all
We got it all
我们依偎在侧 枕边低语
Pillow talk we are saying then
Layers off when we're self healing
摘下它 脱去它
Take it off, come take it off
有太多的伪装 太难赤诚相对
There is so much to undress
握紧彼此 直至我们逃离这混乱
Hand in hand, till we're off this mess
握住我 握紧我的手 我们十指紧扣
Hold on, Hold on to me, you're putting me on hold
抓住你 抓紧你 我们不再分离 永不
Hold on, Hold on to you, no more, no more
抱住我 抱紧我 不要再让我离开
Hold on, Hold on to me, don't dare to let me go
呼唤我 要记住我整个人都属于你
Call on me, and i'm all for you
就耗费片刻时光 此时就做出决断
逃离吧 我们还会回来 无论以何种方式
Let's just take a minute take a breed of now
仰起头 亲爱的 这里是我们的主场
Run away we'll make it back somehow
Keep your head up, baby there so down
We got it all
为了我们的爱 我甘愿献祭所有
We got it all
And I'm all for you and I
I'm all for you
(We got it all)
(We got it all)
1.We Got It All