Turning Teeth -Jesus /The Brides of Dracula
Composed by :Jesus /The Brides of Dracula
You all alone you and I two of us turning like teeth
Sigh oh dear siamese kitty cat forever linked
From tusk to tail in tales of dust you and I
Tunneling beneath the skin
Of the city we live within
Pennies dropped in pickle jars
For an audience with the sky
Oh that's us the taunt lipstick on teeth
Left behind the night on a dead carrier of dreams
Black hair blond remorse
Exploring where the cameras cannot see
You and I
Beneath the surface where the lovers cannot breathe
Turning teeth
Turning teeth
Turning teeth
Turning teeth
You and I we were dancing
To a song you had never heard
Never heard
Never heard
Swing our arms wide remember
Let our blunders be trust funders
You you you and I you and I turning like teeth
When when when do I when do
I remember how this story ended
Exploring where the cameras cannot see
You and I
Beneath the surface where the lovers cannot breathe
Turning teeth
Turning teeth
Turning teeth
Turning teeth
1.The Curse of Edendale
2.Unknowable Things
3.A Junction
4.Dependable as Sunshine
5.Dependable as Moonshine
6.The Reverse Trojan
7.Turning Teeth
8.Welcome to Purgatory
10.A Beautiful Spectre, A Pattern of Glances
11.Beware the Dog Killer
12.The Cult of the Whale, & Other Tales
14.The Accomplice
15.To Sir With Love
17.A Birdwatcher
18.An Escort
19.Dracula's Code
20.An Excursion in Griffith Park
21.Through the Looking-Tubes
22.A Dead Carrier of Dreams
23.The Owl's Kiss
24.A Blessed Creature
25.Floating on the Periphery
26.The Centerfold
27.Jefferson's Legend
28.How to Bury a Billionaire
29.The White Rabbit / Make the Best of It
30.Hills of Gold