Sad Song

Oh, yeah
There's too many sad songs
About you for you to be good, for me
也许对你有所裨益 而就我而言
We've been lovin' all wrong (Lovin' all wrong)
这使我们真心错付太久 浪费了大把青春
Seems like every time I got my feet on solid ground
我从都不弄虚作假 对你也称得上真心实意
You come along and tuck me in to turn it upside down
而你步步紧随 让我深感狭迫 将所谓真相翻来覆去
I pull myself away until I hear you doin' great
我强迫自己不去在意 又听闻你近来渐入佳境
I come along and this amazin', 'til your brain falls out
悄悄靠近感叹何其神奇 直到你重归不可理喻
Movies, they taught me growin' up that you should (You should)
荧幕电影放映谆谆教诲 启示我应对你的成长有所期许
Find the one who drives you crazy, I did (I did)
追根溯源 你一直为之烦恼的麻烦鬼现其踪迹
Now I think I'm missin' who I was before you drove me crazy
如今被你弄得疯魔前 我率先弄丢自己
Oh, it's been so long
This shit's been goin' on
可还得打起精神 对生活强颜欢笑
Toxic marathon off and on, off and on
如同慢性毒药 时断时续 杀人无形
'Cause there's too many sad songs
About you for you to be good, for me
也许对你有所裨益 而就我而言
We've been lovin' all wrong
这使我们真心错付太久 浪费了大把青春
If you could, you would've been right for me
如果愿意 你确是我的小确幸
Gotta find somethin' new
I can sink my teeth into
Someone fresh, honey dew
一见惊艳却不钟情 甜腻的蜜露柔情
Double-check that it ain't you
再三确认 终究不是我要的人
'Cause there's too many sad songs
About you for you to be good, for me
也许对你有所裨益 而就我而言
(Let's go) Ain't it time we figure out, that we were better off without each other?
(时间紧迫)良机不待我们再三推敲 分居两地是否能双双青云万里
Makin' both our mothers scream and shout
我们的母上大人都失去平日优雅 歇斯底里
When we get together, feels like perfect time's forever
我们共度的良宵 宛若天作之合 世纪永恒
'Til we fight, and worse you never
直到再次针锋相对 情况不妙到前所未有
'Cause you always gotta drive me crazy
如今被你弄得疯魔前 我率先丢失初心
Oh, it's been so long
This shit's been goin' on
可还得打起精神 对生活强颜欢笑
Toxic marathon off and on, off and on
如同慢性毒药 时断时续 杀人无形
'Cause there's too many sad songs
About you for you to be good, for me
也许对你有所裨益 而就我而言
We've been lovin' all wrong
这使我们真心错付太久 浪费了大把青春
If you could, you would've been right for me
如果愿意 你确是我的小确幸
Gotta find somethin' new
I can sink my teeth into
Someone fresh, honey dew
一见恍惚却不如故 甜腻的柔情蜜露
Double-check that it ain't you
再三确认 终究不是我要的人
'Cause there's too many sad songs
About you for you to be good, for me
也许对你有所裨益 而就我而言
(Oh, good for me, yeah) Ayy, good for me
(Woah, oh-oh, woah) Ayy, good for me
(Good for me, oh-oh) Ayy, good for me
Yeah, yeah, yeah
1.Wake Up Call
2.Sad Song
3.Somewhere Like Her
4.Bad Drug
5.The Kids Are Alright