Too Little Time (feat. Der)

1.Meaningless Dream (feat. Becky L.)
2.Tears of Fake Joy
4.Gloomy Piano
5.Loneliness Is Not Too Bad
6.Pointless (feat. Camaren Blue)
7.You Don't Know Me (feat. Der)
8.Far from Home
9.Midnight Midnight (feat. Milos Despotovic)
10.What Is Sorrow
11.Sorrow Is (feat. Allan Galang)
12.Insomnia (feat. N.I.A.)
13.When It Rains
14.Missing You
15.Always Come to Me (feat. Sushilbawa)
16.Lost in Venice
17.Too Little Time (feat. Der)
18.Alone in a Quiet Place (feat. Vincent Wang)
19.Tears of True Pain
20.Moving On