Mm-hmm, mm-hmm
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm
Oh my god look at us now
我的天啊 看看我们
They're at the top and we're just spiralling down
他们才刚刚到达顶峰 而我们已经盘旋而下
So low but we don't care, we like it there
从不在意到达底端 享受那种坠落感
Yeah we're just spiralling down, down, down
我们盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
We're just spiralling down, down, down
盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
Yeah you're making money, spread your bread with avocado
你赚了不少钱 大肆宣扬你的光荣事迹
Yeah you hit the club and then you go home with the model
夜夜浸泡夜店 还带着辣妹回家
All you rock is, what they call it, Dolce & Gabbana?
你所谓的艰难险阻 叫什么?D&G吗?
Some days I say **** it, l'll just move to Colorado
总有一天我会说去你的吧 我一定会搬到科罗拉多
At least l'm pretty and I get that good ****
至少我颇有姿色 风骚艳丽呀
I got a roof over my head and l can do s**t
I might not have a yacht so I take a cruiseship
没有属于自己的快艇 那我就要坐上豪华游轮
Why is everything for sale, l make that money move *****
凭什么世间万物都要用金钱衡量 老娘可以让财富地动山摇
Oh my god look at us now
我的天呐 看看我们
They're at the top and we're just spiralling down
他们才刚刚到达顶峰 而我们已经盘旋而下
So low but we don't care, we like it there
落至地面 但我们享受那沉降感
Yeah we're just spiralling down, down, down (we don't care, we don't care)
我们盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁坠落
We' re just spiralling down, down, down(spiralling down)
盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁坠落
Ask somebody famous for a selfie, for a follow
你想要某知名人士的合照 渴望一份关注
Yeah you hit the club, you got a table with some bottles
你夜夜浸泡夜店 桌桌残羹冷炙
Meanwhile l'm still thinking Taco Bell is Mexicano
而我还在思考Taco Bell是不是墨西哥品牌
Working really hard but l'm still trying to winthe Lotto
At least l'm pretty and I get that good ****
但至少我颇有姿色 风骚艳丽呀
I got a roof over my head and I can do s**t
天塌了也有人为我顶 我也能为所欲为
I might not have a yacht so I take a cruiseship
虽然没有私人快艇 但我会乘上豪华游轮
Why is everything for sale, I make that money move *****
凭什么世间万物都用金钱衡量 老娘要让财富地动山摇
Oh my god look at us now
They're at the top and we're just spiralling down
他们才刚刚到达顶峰 而我们已经盘旋而下
So low but we don't care, we like it there
从不在意到达底端 享受那种坠落感
Yeah we're just spiralling down, down, down
我们盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
We're just spiralling down, down, down(spiralling down)
盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
And every rose has its thorns
But maybe you just want a sunflower
Maybe you're just a big coward
Know what you want but you're scared of the power
你渴望得到的 也正是你深深畏惧的
l'm so DFTS, yeah baby l'm down for the spiral
我从不像你 我愿意为了飞翔的快感纵身悬崖
lt's the opposite of being suicidal
这不是自杀 恰恰相反
Let that s**t burn like you a pyro, fuego
让一切燃烧吧 纵火吧 燃烧吧
Oh my god look at us now
They're at the top and we're just spiralling down
他们才刚刚到达顶峰 而我们已经盘旋而下
So low but we don't care, we like it there
落至地面 但我们享受那沉降感
Yeah we're just spiralling down, down, down (we don't care, we don't care)
我们盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
We're just spiralling down, down, down(spiralling down)
盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
Oh my god look at us now (we're just spiralling down)
They're at the top and we're just spiralling down(spiralling down)
他们才刚刚到达顶峰 而我们已经盘旋而下
So low but we don't care, we like it there
落至地面 但我们享受那沉降感
Yeah we're just spiralling down, down, down (just spiralling down)
我们盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
We're just spiralling down, We're just spiralling down
盘旋而下 飞旋降落 不禁下坠
And we're just spiralling down, Mm-hmm, mm-hmm
1.Spiraling Down
2.Porn Star
3.Lava Lamps
4.New Friends
5.Boys Like You